PPN Image Gallery

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Ta-dah! The New and Improved, "Random Girl"!16 viewsYay! I added sum things 2 it! Although, if u saw it in its full image, it would look much better... oh well... =305/16/07 at 12:00DrewxMay Fangirl: Now that I look at it... she looks ugly 2 me...
Sophia Lansfield (a.k.a. iris)48 viewsThis is a "fanart" by me, dedicated to my friend iris... I sorta messed up on her last name, sorry 'bout that... well, I hope u like it! 05/16/07 at 11:58DrewxMay Fangirl: Ugh... I made her look sooooo ugly... grrrr... I&#...
Twilight and New Moon34 viewsEm... u should look at LatiDog's profile 4 a btter description of these books... all I can say id that it's awesum, and Edward must be the most handsumest, "hottest" vampire ever well, since 1901 at least! Then Carlisle and so on and so on... =305/07/07 at 03:59LatiDog: Laters.
Twilight and New Moon34 viewsEm... u should look at LatiDog's profile 4 a btter description of these books... all I can say id that it's awesum, and Edward must be the most handsumest, "hottest" vampire ever well, since 1901 at least! Then Carlisle and so on and so on... =305/07/07 at 03:49DrewxMay Fangirl: Edward looks like the guy from Black Cat... well, ...
Twilight and New Moon34 viewsEm... u should look at LatiDog's profile 4 a btter description of these books... all I can say id that it's awesum, and Edward must be the most handsumest, "hottest" vampire ever well, since 1901 at least! Then Carlisle and so on and so on... =305/07/07 at 03:41LatiDog: That's cool. I like how they did some of the chara...
Ta-dah! The New and Improved, "Random Girl"!16 viewsYay! I added sum things 2 it! Although, if u saw it in its full image, it would look much better... oh well... =305/06/07 at 20:14Phantom_Kansaibou: later dxmfg..
Ta-dah! The New and Improved, "Random Girl"!16 viewsYay! I added sum things 2 it! Although, if u saw it in its full image, it would look much better... oh well... =305/06/07 at 20:13DrewxMay Fangirl: Thank u! Well, I justcame 2 upload... I have 2 go ...
Ta-dah! The New and Improved, "Random Girl"!16 viewsYay! I added sum things 2 it! Although, if u saw it in its full image, it would look much better... oh well... =305/06/07 at 20:12iris: impresive.... dxm fg.... ether way i need think in...
Ta-dah! The New and Improved, "Random Girl"!16 viewsYay! I added sum things 2 it! Although, if u saw it in its full image, it would look much better... oh well... =305/06/07 at 20:11Phantom_Kansaibou: yes, i can tell the difference...these little thin...
Ta-dah! The New and Improved, "Random Girl"!16 viewsYay! I added sum things 2 it! Although, if u saw it in its full image, it would look much better... oh well... =305/06/07 at 20:10DrewxMay Fangirl: Look kan! Look iris! XP
Random Girl22 viewsEm... I just made her... a few minutes ago... probably took me 2 hours... hehe, I'm a waaaayyy better drawer than this... this my first time drawing anime on meh com 2! I think it's kinda okay... I can't wait 2 get a different, BETTER photoshop...05/06/07 at 09:51DrewxMay Fangirl: Uh-huh! I'm sorry kan, but I gotta go, laterz!
Random Girl22 viewsEm... I just made her... a few minutes ago... probably took me 2 hours... hehe, I'm a waaaayyy better drawer than this... this my first time drawing anime on meh com 2! I think it's kinda okay... I can't wait 2 get a different, BETTER photoshop...05/06/07 at 09:43Phantom_Kansaibou: ah.. are you planning to upload it when your done?
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