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Last comments - zonic the hedgehog's Gallery
Sonic sez S-h-i-t OH NO!131 viewsthat infamous episode where Sonic actually utters a swear word in English (only in the Japanese version of Sonic X). Gives me a tingly feeling inside everytime I hear it... :3

This is my Japanese episode I have on my computer right now, and probably will never delete... anyway, also have a nice look at my desktop while your at it.
04/14/06 at 01:45Flare Kitsune: smileys are everywhere....
Goddess of Unsurpassed Beauty4705 viewsI did a little bit of editing to make the pic suitable to upload. ^^
I really like this pic, as I'm a fan of elegant artwork, and this really shows it. I could definitely see suicune as a goddess.
03/11/06 at 08:48Scuicune: Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Goddess of Unsurpassed Beauty4705 viewsI did a little bit of editing to make the pic suitable to upload. ^^
I really like this pic, as I'm a fan of elegant artwork, and this really shows it. I could definitely see suicune as a goddess.
03/03/06 at 08:02Phantom_Kansaibou: ...this picture is..somewhat elegant...
Goddess of Unsurpassed Beauty4705 viewsI did a little bit of editing to make the pic suitable to upload. ^^
I really like this pic, as I'm a fan of elegant artwork, and this really shows it. I could definitely see suicune as a goddess.
03/03/06 at 07:57The Imposter: Laughing
Sonic VS Blaze228 viewsSonic VS Blaze. Drawn by Mana from teamartail.com
02/18/06 at 20:09megamelissa72: do you have friends that like digimon
Alternate Sonic + Eggman139 viewsnow kids, tell me all the differences between regular Sonic and his alternative-verse, Blaze, and you get a cookie!

If you find the alternative-verse Eggman, I'll give you 2 cookies! Cheers!
02/18/06 at 20:08sonic fan nuber one: wer is that tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Sonic VS Blaze228 viewsSonic VS Blaze. Drawn by Mana from teamartail.com
02/18/06 at 20:07sonic fan nuber one: its loking like blaze is gonna kill sonic. dey ar...
OMFG, I'M A GIRL!!!73 viewsJust wanted to scream it out, as it seems everybody keeps saying I'm a guy.
Dunno why, but it probably has something to do with my username. o.o;
02/05/06 at 08:59hunter leo: walks in the rain
OMFG, I'M A GIRL!!!73 viewsJust wanted to scream it out, as it seems everybody keeps saying I'm a guy.
Dunno why, but it probably has something to do with my username. o.o;
02/05/06 at 08:58Phantom_Kansaibou: .... bye may.....
OMFG, I'M A GIRL!!!73 viewsJust wanted to scream it out, as it seems everybody keeps saying I'm a guy.
Dunno why, but it probably has something to do with my username. o.o;
02/05/06 at 08:57Greed: sorry gtg..bye *kisses him*..
OMFG, I'M A GIRL!!!73 viewsJust wanted to scream it out, as it seems everybody keeps saying I'm a guy.
Dunno why, but it probably has something to do with my username. o.o;
02/05/06 at 08:56wolf: puts a paper on the ground turns into real from hm...
OMFG, I'M A GIRL!!!73 viewsJust wanted to scream it out, as it seems everybody keeps saying I'm a guy.
Dunno why, but it probably has something to do with my username. o.o;
02/05/06 at 08:55Greed: hmm..yea......*eats more shards*...
783 files on 66 page(s) 5