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Last comments - SteveIrwin
CoroCoro reveals new PKMN!106 views The June CoroCoro images have been leaking for several hours now. Seven new Pokemon have been revealed so far. All of the information we know is below. Keep checking back here for more updates! Click the images below to enlarge them.

Hihidaruma (ヒヒダルマ) is the Flaming Pokemon, a Fire-type. Its ability is “Encourage.” It is 1.3m tall and weighs 92.9kg.

Shimama (シママ) is the Charged Pokemon, an Electric-type, and has Lightningrod or Motor Drive as its abilities. It has a new attack called “Wild Volt,” which does a lot of damage but also hurts the user. It is 0.8m tall and 29.8kg.

Meguroko (メグロコ) is the Desert Crocodile Pokemon, a Ground / Dark type. Its abilities are Intimidate and “Earthquake Spiral,” the latter of which raises its Attack stat when it Knocks Out a Pokemon. It is 0.7m tall and weighs 15.2kg.
06/11/10 at 19:18SteveIrwin: CRICKEY! @_@ A desert croc!
Pokemon Black and White Trainers and Update151 viewsThey don't look 10 anymore, probably 16 or 18.

The region appears to be called the Isshu Region (イッシュ)

CoroCoro states that the protagonists are older than they have been so far

Zoroark has an ability called Illusion (イリュージョン) which will allow it to transform into various Pokémon. How it differs from the move Transform remains to be seen.
Two new attacks have been announced;

* A move called Trickery (イカサマ) seems to allow the attack to be calculated using the opponent's stats
* Another move called Claw Sharpen (つめとぎ) raises the user's Attack and Accuracy stats

The special event activated by the special Raikou, Entei & Suicune given with the upcoming movie; Phantom Champion Zoroark has been detailed. In this event, when you bring the beasts (it is unclear if it's all three or just one)to the game, a special battle will occur. This battle is against a Level 25 Zoroark which will transform into the various Pokémon. At many points, it will break its transformation to allow you to capture it.

Look at the link below for the battle scenes and game play.
http:// www.youtube.com/ watch?v=nFDwx6X44pk
05/16/10 at 06:54SteveIrwin: CRICKEY!!!!!!! THEY MOVE?!?! This outta be be go...
Godzilla 2012 design 2106 viewsThis Is Not The Final Design. It's What They Sent To Toho And Wanted To See What They Thought Of It,And They Liked It. I'm Sure Legendary Pictures Will Change The Design,04/18/10 at 06:36SteveIrwin: Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Godzilla 2012 design123 viewsThis Is Not The Final Design. It's What They Sent To Toho And Wanted To See What They Thought Of It,And They Liked It. I'm Sure Legendary Pictures Will Change The Design,04/18/10 at 06:35SteveIrwin: Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked CRIKEY...
Pokemon Black & Pokemon White89 viewsPokémon Black & Pokémon White are the first games of the long anticipated fifth generation of Pokémon. These games are due for release in Japan in the Autumn of 2010 and are said to bring about a revolution of Pokémon. However, very little is known.

These games are set to feature the previously established assortment of Pokémon, but will also contain a massive amount of brand New Pokémon.

04/11/10 at 07:12SteveIrwin: Sounds kinda racist.
Pokemon Black and White Zoroark vs. Zorua69 viewsOn a Japanese Imageboard, the first pictures of what could be CoroCoro has come out featuring what are screenshot from the upcoming games; Pokémon Black and White. This picture shows the new battle screen and features a battle between Zorua & Zoroark. We also got the first picture of the overworld. We'll bring more as it comes.The information is as follows.

This is going to be the best generation EVER!
04/11/10 at 07:10SteveIrwin: Crickey! What an improvement!
Lynx Harlen221 viewsAfter a good hiatus, here's the boy who changed the future for the best. The one who changed PPN's future, the one who defeated a traitor, and the one who was formed from F29. Lynx has a shiny Arcanine who can do unique combinations of moves. He's also an actor, you can tell by looking at the script he's holding. Also, it was him who brought the bionicle to PPN at it's pop night.

Voiced by Jason Marsden.
Date of Birth: June 21, 1990
04/11/10 at 07:09SteveIrwin: This'll be good, mate.
Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND 128 viewsDarkrai & Cresselia LEGEND 150 HP
35-36 of 40

You need both Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND cards in order to play. Once you have both cards, place both on your Bench.

Lost Crisis
Move 2 Energy cards attached to Darkrai & Cresselia Legend to the Lost Zone. If the defending Pokémon is knocked out by this attack, move the Pokémon and all cards attached to it to the Lost Zone 100

Moon's Allure
Choose as many of the opponent's Damage Counters on their Pokémon in play and redistribute them in any way you see fit.

Weakness Fighting/Psychicx2
Resistance none
Retreat Cost none
03/28/10 at 21:48SteveIrwin: CRICKEY!!! Another one!
Pokémon Ranger Latios Sign127 viewsHere's the sign of Latios from the trailer.

Looks like a Freemason symbol doesn't it.
01/25/10 at 05:46SteveIrwin: Shocked
Pokémon Ranger Latios Sign127 viewsHere's the sign of Latios from the trailer.

Looks like a Freemason symbol doesn't it.
01/25/10 at 05:33SteveIrwin: CRIKEY!!! It does look the compass!!! They are go...
Raikou HGSS sprite167 views01/24/10 at 21:57SteveIrwin: agree there, mate.
Entei & Raikou LEGEND136 viewsEntei & Raikou LEGEND 140 HP
63-64 of 80

You need both Entei & Raikou LEGEND cards in order to play. Once you have both cards, place both on your Bench

Detonation Swirl
Discard all Fire Energy attached to Entei & Raikou Legend 90

Thunder Fall
Discard all Energy attached to Entei & Raikou Legend and do 80 damage to each Pokémon with a PokéPower. Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for this attack

Weakness Water Fighting x2
Resistance None
Retreat Cost None
01/17/10 at 12:37SteveIrwin: CRIKEY!!! TWO PKMN IN ONE CARD! Shocked Maybe the...
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