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Last additions - Amber76's Gallery
Character Description14 viewsI knew i forgot something!!! I kne it! I knew it! I knew it! On Miles anway. Rain and Sam are just add ons from my other rp that i play with my other friends. I tried combining those characters into this rp as best as i could...I did pretty good on Sam...Rain...eh-.-Jul 02, 2007
what the naruto characters think of u+ boyfriend. 10 long results 16 viewsYou got Kiba!!!!

Hair color: A funky flip like Ino's but it's length reaches your toes. It is blackish brown in color.

Special abilty?: All animals of any species like you.

Best/favorite Jutsu: Summoning.

Age: 17

Jutsu element: Fire and wind.

\\What The Naruto Characters think of YOU//

Naruto: I really like her, but dont tell Kiba that!
Sakura: Humph, Naruto wont shut up about her. I like her and all but he never wants to shut up. All he talks about is how lucky Kiba is to have a girl friend..
Sai: I havent even met her, last time I gave a nickname to a girl she smacked me.
Yamato: She brings lots of anger to our group, I wonder why..
Sasuke: Who is this Person????
Ino: Why is it that I am the only one with out a boyfriend????
Chouji: I like her cats, they look tasty..I wonder if they go good with chilli sauce???
Skikamaru: How troublesome
Kiba: I never thought I would find someone who likes animals as much as me!!!!
Akamaru: Roof roof grrr ruff (like like, me like)
Shino: I still cant get anyone to recognize me..
Hinata: I like her little kitties, theyre so cute!!!!!
Kakashi: If only they were dogs, I hate cats!!!!!
Gaara: Nuisance..
Temari: I like these cats, I never have really played with them before.
Kankuro: Arrrg, those stupid things are playing with crow again.
Iruka: Shes a force to be reckoned with Id say.
Ambu: If she gets any more cats, they with out number us all!!!!
Orochimaru: Serpents are much, much better!!!
Kabuto: Cat hairs really are good for poisons(you* kick his ass and cuddle with your many cats!!!*)
Itachi: I want eyes just like cats..
Akatsuki: .???
Sasori: Same here, Ive got nothing.
Neji: Cats ruled everyone, the are fated to be great and powerful.
Tenten: I like her, she is my best friend. We play with her cats all the time, but sometimes people only like her because of all these cute fur balls.
Rock Lee: If Tenten likes cats, then so do I. Oh, I like her too, she is a great friend of mine as well. * cough cough*
Guy: Lee. Dont force yourself to like cats.
Asuma Sarutobi: I am afraid
Jun 30, 2007
There For me10 viewsBy: Vannessa Hudgens and Corbin Bleu

This fits my Rp with Lati so well I almost died... really REALLY freaky!...I like it^^
Jun 30, 2007
What do the Naruto characters think of you?!?! (girls only, sorry dudes)(long results)67 viewsYour name: Hamari Uzamaki
Age: 12
Village: Mist
Friends: Ino, Sakura, Naruto, Hinata, Tenten, Shikamaru, Rock Lee, Shino
Family: Naruto is your brother.

Past: You were separted from your brother when you were young. However, a mist ninja found you on the outskirts of the village and took you in. You were raised in the village hidden in the mist until you were seven. When you were seven you learned that you had a brother and sought out to find him. That's when you began to train in the village hidden in the leaves, and that's where you found Naruto.

Team: Hinata, Shino, Kiba
Weapon: You don't have one really, but you do have a staff for healing and whatnot.
Sensei: Kurenai

You aren't much of a fighter but you are incredible at healing and genjutsu. You're quite upbeat really, like your brother. You're very optomistic and happy the majority of the time. You're kind-hearted and are protective of those that you know and care about.

Most likely bf: Shino

What they think:

Naruto: *shrugs* She's my sister, what can I say? She keeps bringing Hinata everywhere we go...I wonder why.
Sasuke: Too annoying...too much like Naruto.
Sakura: Hamari is so much fun to hang around with! She's a sweet friend...although I think she likes Sasuke too...*glares*(inner Sakura) CHA!!! SHE BETTER NOT!!!!
Shino: She's very pretty and she even watches the ground so she doesn't step on my bugs *smirks*
Ino: She's one of my best friends! And she's a great listener when I need to let off some steam about billboard brow.
Chouji: *crunch*crunch*Himari? She's really nice! She even buys me chips when I run out! *smiles and eats more chips*
Gaara: *eye twitches* Too nice...I will kill her...
Temari: Who? Oh that one nice chick? She's too weak.
Kankuro: She's HAWT! *grins pervertedly*
Hinata: *blushes* she's related to Naruto...and she's very nice to me, she even tried to get me to go out with him once. *blushes more*
Shikamaru: Hm? Oh, her, she's hot, although she's way too much like Naruto. *shrugs* Even so, we're still pretty good friends.
Neji: She's weak, it is destiny that has decided her fate of faliure.
Tenten: Hamari is so sweet! She's my best friend! ^-^
Rock Lee: I swear to make Hamari my girlfriend one day! No matter what it takes! *thumbs up*
Kiba: Huh? Hamari's pretty hot, but she's too overconfident like Naruto. Akamaru seems to like her though...


Kakashi: She's much too weak when it comes to physical strength. However, her chakra control is unmatched.
Iruka: Yes I remember her, she was quite the social one in the academy. She probably should have focused more on honing her skills rather than socializing.
Kurenai: Not my strongest student, but her healing and chakra control are incredible, much better than Kakashi's student...what was her name? Sakura? Yes that was it.
Gai: She's so youthful! And Lee seems fond of her as well! *nods* I would approve.
Baki: *snort* She's not sand village material. It figures she would be from the village hidden in the mist.
Jiriya: More research!! She's definately got the prettiest face I've seen. Huh? Her skills? How should I know?
Asuma: She's very nice indeed, however, a ninja can't be nice all the time, she needs to improve her fighting a LOT.


3rd Hokage: Oh yes Naruto's sister, I remember her arrival at the academy, she was a very happy child, I'm glad Naruto has at least that small bit of family remaining.
Konahomaru: She can't help me become hokage! She's not strong enough! *pouts*
Orochimaru: I have no idea who that is...
Itachi: If I haven't heard of her she's obviously not worth my time.

Your song: Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson
Jun 30, 2007
Demon, Wolf Demon. Angel. or Human. 22 viewsyour an angel

....that's messed up....my mom took this and she's an angel...pffftttt
Jun 30, 2007
Demon, Wolf Demon. Angel. or Human. 22 viewsyour an wolf demon

Jun 30, 2007
What Wolf Elment are you?34 viewsThe Aqua wolf is a wolf who'll agree with you. You are strong, fearless, and honorable. Your not a pushoever in any way. You thirst for what is right and admit to your fears. You are an idol to all weak wolves who need help to survive. Your ally's are the Light and Nature wolves. Stay away from the Fire wolf to avoid conflict.

^^ I took this for fun, but I'm sure lati would love to take this too^^
Jun 29, 2007
Naruto Quiz8 viewsNaruto is my bestest buddy ^_^Jun 29, 2007
Still going Strong ch 39 viewstch. Jun 29, 2007
Still going Strong ch 410 viewsThe song is called Make a Wish from pokemon movie 7....i think...Jun 29, 2007
Serena29 viewsThis sucks, but i don't have a scanner to show you my (Much, much) better drawing of her so...>.<
She doesn't have any pupils because she is blind. Poor puppy...
Jun 28, 2007
Misty21 viewsI made it myself ^_^Jun 28, 2007
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