PPN Image Gallery

Your online Pokemon, Yo-Gi-Oh!, anime, and anything photo album

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109 views-wdg
fire type lapras109 viewsa type change of lapras
hotub109 viewsAsh is about to get his 8th badge thanks to her
Starry Night kiss109 views..yes I know -.-...there naked..wow..XD...I find it actually very cute...*nods*...Yes I know you can see the girls boob -_-'..but shutup lol..I'm not keeping this on here for long XD
Adventures of the lake fairys Episode50109 viewsBrolys counterparts Tyrant "the vore master" and Eva "the p*rn lady" plan their new part of the invasion, while Merinthos is waiting for his limited servents to bring back the damsles tied up, the Bootlegger comes by to challenge him
109 viewsthe page before the last page in the harry potter doujinshi Cry for the Moon
Latios Chao109 viewsIt's a cute little latios! ^-^
Im ending it109 viewsF29: OK, Im moving on, so Im goona end Lord of the Prophecies. The rest of the cast are: LukeAtmey (Gollum), Steven (Faramir), Flint (Eomer), Flannery (Eowyn) /she falls for CharizardMaster not Steven/, DamonGant (Denethor), Merinthos (Witch King of Angmar), Mura (Theoden), Shadowfax a pick-up truck, Sudowoodo (Ents), Greed (Grima Worm Tounge), Glenn Close (Shelob), *Fire_Bush* (Sharko), Hiwutsup (Gothmog), Lati-Dog (Wargs), Demons from Phantom_Kansaibou's pics, (Army of the dead). From the lowest duegeon to the highest peak, Goji told the Wretched Brown Recluse that Whonew was the real Homo of Middle Earth, so the WBR left to find him. Also when Whitney, Misty are captured, Flairee was caught, not Flannery, Flairee had a heat badge. Broly then was restored to physical form. At the battle for Middle Earth, Kan fought Broly /I did this because Peter Jackson first wanted Sauron to face Aragon/. When Luke tried to get the prophecy from Boltia in mount Doom, he kicked boltia where Drew kicked him, so Boltia pushed Luke in the lava. And so... Kan and Lisa became the King and Queen of Gondor... Then Flint was king of Rohan and paid CharizardMaster to be Flannery's body guard... And Whonew was crush by the Wrecthed Brown Recluse... But only after Shin-Goji sent 10,000 spartans to invade the company that makes Pokemon Special Manga.
Palkia using iPhone109 viewsImagine Palkia using the latest 3G iPhone

PPN Chronicles the Movie episode 55109 views
Wrath of the Wolf Page 2109 viewsThe crowd cheered with a thunderous applause, 3 seats on the other side of the room were filled with new people.
"Oh, what do we have here?" Shin asked carrying a microphone. He walked down the stage to greet the new comers. "Hello people, what would your names be?" The first one was a young man with brown and gold hair with a T-shirt with a cute girl on it "I'm GIRmaniac124, I like Anime, bleedman, food, and girls".
"So do I" added CharizardMaster in a distance. The next person was like GIRmaniaz124 but with darker hair and wear a shirt with Bubbles kissing Mac with Bloo jaw dropping "My name's Irakaxe and I support Bubbles and Mac". Shin turned to the last person at the table who was a little blue bird.
"I'm CuteArticuno, I just love listening to music."
"There you have it folks, PPN has got 3 new people with just one song!" Shin said to the audience. "Up next, we have I've got you under my skin by Cole Porter & Nelson Riddle!". The audience applauded to that choice.
"I can't believe this." Chris said to everyone at his table. "Pop music is making PPN great again, nothing's going to stop us!" Then the doors opened with a peculiar long time user that lost hope during the wars, LatiDog.
"What is going on in here?" Lati asked to everyone.
"Were having a pop music night to make PPN very popular once again." answered CharizardMaster. Lati couldn't believe what she heard, then jumped onto the stage and took a microphone.
"Why do you people even bother showing up here if this place isn't getting more people?" Lati questioned demandingly to the audience, no one answered. "I thought so, so just let it go. My god. Most people are in high school, they have no time for this childish site .Well, it's suposed to be childish. it really isn't when the mods allow porno to get uploaded, so, yeah."
"Hey, I don't allow such digusting things like that here!" Shin stated.
"Oh, and you must be the webmaster. Well sorry" Lati said sarcasticly. " My point it, even if they still do like pokemon. They've moved on to other sites. Do the same! Geez!" No one answered, the cricket was giving it's sound in the background. Then someone from the audience threw a rotten tomatoe at Lati, it was CharizardMaster.
"We will NEVER leave here! We don't care what you think!" the enraged charizard yelled.
"Yeah, LatiDumby!" added Flannery giving Lati a middle finger. Then the audience gave a laugh for finding it funny.
"Oh that is rich, LatiLoser!" said Pixelwizz with a hint of comedy. The audience laughed even harder, even Deux founded it hilarious.
"Oh wow, you people are SO creative." Lati said contradicting. "That is why people don't come here. You n00bs take ONE comment and then "hate" the person that made it. Just because, even though I'm a fan of Flannery, I say this site doesn't need 100 freaking pics of her."
"Hey wait a minute!" exclamated the Angry Video Game Nerd "If she's a fan of Flannery right here" pointing to Flannery, "then why do you say that the pics were annoying?"
"Some of the SAME exact moment, but a different second." Lati answered.
"What does that mean?" asked Deux. Lati then twitched at Deux's question.
"The bottom line is: This gallery's got to have a limit, but no, F29 had to upload 100 pics of the same freaking person in the same instance 50 times, and then switch episodes and so the same thing."
"But on PPN, there are no limits." Shin added. "And what did you mean by that last part?" he asked. Lati couldn't even believe what Shin asked, then blood came out of her nose for no apparent reason.
"I hate you all, so much, that I want to kill everyone of you." Lati said in a low tone of voice, then dropped the microphone and walked off the stage, then left the castle.
"What's her problem?" asked GIRmaniaz124.
"Bahh, she doesn't know jack sh*t." answered Flannery.
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