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Dr. Mario meets the "solar eclipse" Virus
Everywhere is the CoViD-19 Virus called "corona"... A corona you see on a full solar eclipse, so I gonna call it the "solar eclipse virus" and the "solar eclipse desease".
In medical language the virus should be called: "obscuratus solis virum" and the infectious desease "obscuratus solis morbus".

Keywords: Dr. Mario CoViD-19 solar eclipse virus desease

Dr. Mario meets the "solar eclipse" Virus

Everywhere is the CoViD-19 Virus called "corona"... A corona you see on a full solar eclipse, so I gonna call it the "solar eclipse virus" and the "solar eclipse desease".
In medical language the virus should be called: "obscuratus solis virum" and the infectious desease "obscuratus solis morbus".

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File information
Album name:Dr. Mario / Dr. Mario's Gallery
Rating (3 votes):55555
Keywords:Dr. / Mario / CoViD-19 / solar / eclipse / virus / desease
Why I made This Pic:I'm back! Again since alost 10 Years...
Tools used to make image:MS-Paint
Filesize:51 KiB
Date added:Mar 28, 2020
Dimensions:1300 x 619 pixels
Displayed:200 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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kasaibou2nd   [Mar 29, 2020 at 01:33 AM]
Dr. Mario, welcome back.
Dr. Mario   [Apr 19, 2020 at 08:18 PM]
Thank you! Very Happy

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