Last additions - crystal (cris)'s Gallery

No Seriously80 viewsJul 21, 2007

Where is he?!78 viewsJul 21, 2007

Jealous Pup80 viewsJul 02, 2007

Bakanisa89 viewsu gotta love a chibi little sister ^^Jul 02, 2007

Barmitzva Hitsugaya81 viewsFor those who don't know- in a Bar/Bat Mitzva, the Bar/Bat mitzvaee has to sing the passage of the Torah that relates to their birth date. After they finish, the entire crowed (especially parents and close family) throw candy on them.
Here, you KNOW Ukitake is just WAITING to shower lil' Hitsy wiht a SACK full of sweets. And Hitsy knows this.
And he refuses to finish the passage.Jul 02, 2007

Double the Fluff89 viewsJul 02, 2007

Expecting Mother77 viewsJul 02, 2007

Renji's Favorite Things72 viewsJul 02, 2007