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Last comments - PixelWizz
Deus Human form profiles...63 viewsHeres some info on Deus…..
Full Name: Deus X. Machyna
Blood type: O (high black positive)
Hair color: Black and Gray
Eye color: Crimson
Race: Human/Neodammerus
Alias: Black Winged Angel
Voice Actor (if he had one): Johnny Bosch Young
Theme song (requested by PixelWizz): Lock and Load Black Angel remix
Height: 6.0 feet
Weight: 185 lbs
Age: 18
Description: Deus was born an orphan and his origins and personality our unknown however he was born with black blood sindicating he was a Neodammerus and human. In his human form he pocessess inhuman strength and speed. In order to gain more power during fighting, he transforms into a Half-Neodammerus where his powers are dramatically increased. Deus knows Jujitsu and is an expert swordsman. He has a somewhat strong-willed personality and can be a bit rude sometimes, but overall he has a kindess in his heart for others and has an urge to protect others.
06/07/08 at 02:40PixelWizz: YEAH!!!! Embarrassed Very Happy
PPN Chronicles episode 1 part 2106 views06/06/08 at 04:32PixelWizz: oh, then what happens?
Dante with Rebellion23 viewsDirect text from devil may cry wiki:
Rebellion once belonged to Dante's father, the Dark Knight Sparda, and was given to Dante as a keepsake. Dante uses it as his primary weapon in all appearances, barring the first Devil May Cry and his cameo appearance in Viewtiful Joe. Dante usually carries the sword on his back, but in The Animated Series, he carries it in a guitar case, so as not to attract unwanted attention.

At the end of Dante's first battle with Vergil in Devil May Cry 3, Vergil impales Dante with the Rebellion, inadvertently awakening Dante's Devil side and granting him access to Devil Trigger. At this point, the sword also awakens, opening up the crossguard and skull design around the hilt.

06/06/08 at 04:30PixelWizz: so cool!!!!
Deus Human form profiles...63 viewsHeres some info on Deus…..
Full Name: Deus X. Machyna
Blood type: O (high black positive)
Hair color: Black and Gray
Eye color: Crimson
Race: Human/Neodammerus
Alias: Black Winged Angel
Voice Actor (if he had one): Johnny Bosch Young
Theme song (requested by PixelWizz): Lock and Load Black Angel remix
Height: 6.0 feet
Weight: 185 lbs
Age: 18
Description: Deus was born an orphan and his origins and personality our unknown however he was born with black blood sindicating he was a Neodammerus and human. In his human form he pocessess inhuman strength and speed. In order to gain more power during fighting, he transforms into a Half-Neodammerus where his powers are dramatically increased. Deus knows Jujitsu and is an expert swordsman. He has a somewhat strong-willed personality and can be a bit rude sometimes, but overall he has a kindess in his heart for others and has an urge to protect others.
06/06/08 at 04:28PixelWizz: Yeah, then nd saved her from the evil forces of di...
PPN Chronicles episode 1 part 2106 views06/06/08 at 04:27PixelWizz: Is he still after Deus's power?
The Dark knight Sparda34 viewsDirect text from Devil may cry wiki:
Sparda was once one of Mundus' Devil Knights, and apparently took part in the invasion of the human world. At some point however, he suffered a change of heart and switched sides, fighting to protect the humans. He defeated Mundus' demon armies, before moving onto the Prince Of Darkness himself. Sparda defeated Mundus, and sent him and his armies back to the demon realm. In order to close the gateway, Sparda used his own blood, along with the blood of a human priestess, in conjunction with his sword and a mystical amulet. Pouring his demonic energy into the sword allowed him to close the door between realms, however this also robbed him of the lion's share of his abilities. Sparda could still access his powers when he used the amulet but only for a brief time. Sparda's activities over the next two thousand years are shrouded in legend, however it is understood that for a time, directly after defeating Mundus, he ruled over the humans before eventually vanishing. Devil May Cry 4 raises an interesting plot element, as it would seem that Sparda sacrificed his powers only to seal off the full functions of the Temen-ni-gru, as according to the Order of the Sword and by Dante's admission, Sparda sealed the true hell gate by using Yamato. He showed up again in the twentieth century where he met and fell in love with a human woman named Eva. He fathered the twins and for a brief time lived with his family, before he again disappeared. Many believe he died, although in DMC2 Dante hints he may have passed into another realm
06/06/08 at 04:25PixelWizz: This kinda reminds me of Shin's story. Smile
Charizard Master's Shippings135 viewsI am Glorinor, another friend of Charizard Master. He told some awsome shippings! Here they are:

Liza + Charizard Master= Heat Wave shipping
F29 + Dawn= Cool Beauty shipping
Charizard Master + Prima = Firey Ice shipping
Charizard Master + Queen Rin= Fire Royalty shipping
Jasmine + Clair + Charizard Master= Firey Steel Dragon shipping
Shelly + Charizard Master= Watery Fire shipping
Charizard Master + Pike Queen Lucy= Fire Luck shipping
Cynthina + Chaizard Master= Fire Victory shipping
Lady Tsunade + Charizard Master= Loyal Fire shipping
All female members + Charizard Master= Crazy Fire Chaos shipping
06/05/08 at 23:25PixelWizz: The are cool Smile
PPN Chronicles episode 1 part 1142 views06/05/08 at 23:00PixelWizz: YES!!! its awesome!!! can't wait for number 2....
Metaknight (SSBB style)107 viewsyes sorry it took so long guys.... I been working on a preview of the NinjamanZ game and ohter flash stuff so you'll have to be paitent for the next charcater Its hard being both DeusExmachyna: MUGEN junkie and BattleDragon Gargonis...... so please bu paitent these things take time... Also I don't own Metaknight Nintendo and Hal. do.06/05/08 at 05:59PixelWizz: Yeah!!! these sprites look just like the metaknigh...
Charizard Master's Shippings135 viewsI am Glorinor, another friend of Charizard Master. He told some awsome shippings! Here they are:

Liza + Charizard Master= Heat Wave shipping
F29 + Dawn= Cool Beauty shipping
Charizard Master + Prima = Firey Ice shipping
Charizard Master + Queen Rin= Fire Royalty shipping
Jasmine + Clair + Charizard Master= Firey Steel Dragon shipping
Shelly + Charizard Master= Watery Fire shipping
Charizard Master + Pike Queen Lucy= Fire Luck shipping
Cynthina + Chaizard Master= Fire Victory shipping
Lady Tsunade + Charizard Master= Loyal Fire shipping
All female members + Charizard Master= Crazy Fire Chaos shipping
06/05/08 at 05:57PixelWizz: Its kinda weird that Emperor_quinatanna hasn'...
BlackWing Shipping63 viewsDeus + Winona06/05/08 at 05:47PixelWizz: Wow! thats awesome! I really like! also can I help...
Ryu Hayabusa51 viewsRyu Hayabusa from Ninja gaiden, The only true Ninja....
06/04/08 at 07:00PixelWizz: Whats Ninja Gaiden? Neutral
93 files on 8 page(s) 6