Last comments - PixelWizz

Pandoras box (DMC4)52 viewsOne of the most wicked awesome weapons in the Devil May Cry series Pandoras Box..It can be a whole lot of different weapons at once..if you want see it in action look up Dante recieves Pandora..06/04/08 at 05:53PixelWizz: hey is that the weapon dante uses to kill all thos...

Deus's black rose 27 viewsa black rose.. shrouded by mystery just like its user...06/04/08 at 05:38PixelWizz: Hey, Deus if you had a theme song what (...)uld it...

Devil May Cry 432 viewsSimply an awesome game nuff said....06/04/08 at 03:57PixelWizz: this is such an awesome game (sighs) I wish I had ...

Lord of the Prophecies 169 viewsLord of the Prophecies part 31: The group of 9 is now 8 since Shin-Goji jumped off the bridge. The fellowship escaped Moria and setted for the forest of Lothlorien, where Herbipede fears an elf witch. There, they meet an elf named OceanWish, she brought he 8 to the lord and lady of the elvish forest, the shadowed figure who helped Boltia with the Squidward, DeusEXmachyna (Celeborn) and Winona (Galadriel), Deus asked them where Goji was, Winona thinked he fell to shadow. Winona had feeling for boltia, and she allowed the Fellowship to sleep in their Motel 7.06/03/08 at 04:12PixelWizz: their so cute together.

PPN plot assumption69 viewshey everybody its me PiwelWiz again here with of what I think the plot is for PPN chronicles: Mr.lolz tells Luke atmey that Cell is Dead and he barely mananged to survive. so Luke atmey unites with Mr.lolz and try to Defeat PPN at the same time pocess Deus's neodammerus power so they can defaet the Leviathan. Also F29 I can't see videos because my computer won't let me so could make the comic version here on PPN please that would be awesome!!!!
- PixelWiz
PS. I will get an account soon too. 06/03/08 at 04:01PixelWizz: Don't worry CharizardMaster he'll get his ...

DemoneBane(redone)35 viewsI redid DeomonsBane again hope it looks better....06/03/08 at 03:59PixelWizz: I wish I could use a sword like that..but Im not I...

Charizard sprites296 viewsI would have uploaded these sooner but my computer had memory problems and kept freezing up on me. I did these for a game called MUGEN (look it up i'm not going to bother telling you...) I wasn't done with this but thanks to my computer it's done now.. hope you all enjoy and give credit to me and Nintendo and the Pokemon company if used. Thanx!!!06/03/08 at 03:57PixelWizz: Yeah..Deus is the best his stuff is cool..I hope h...

DeusExmachynaSprites1205 viewsI made a sprite sheet of my character DeusExmachyna hope you all enjoy please comment and ask permission before use aslo give credit to me or else its stealing. I will be making more sheets of of Deus so thank you hope you all enjoy it...^^.06/03/08 at 03:55PixelWizz: (Sigh) I wish I could make sprites like that..... ...

SolidierDeus53 viewsThis is a amazing song from halo 2 so I drew a pic to go with it and if you want to here it yourself click on here is a youtube link
This song is copyrighted by Breaking Benjamin
Breaking Benjamin - blow me away
[Verse 1:]
They fall in line
One at a time
Ready to play
(I can't see them anyway)
No time to lose
We've got to move
Steady your hand
(I am losing sight again)
Fire your guns
It's time to run
Blow me away
(I will stay, in the mess I made)
After the fall
We'll shake it off
Show me the way
Only the strongest will survive
Lead me to heaven, when we die
I am the shadow on the wall
I'll be the one to save us all
[Verse 2:]
There's nothing left
So save your breath
Lying in wait
(Caught inside this tidal wave)
Your cover's blown
No where to go
Holding your fate
(Loaded I will walk alone)
Fire your guns
It's time to run
Blow me away
(I will stay, in the mess I made)
After the fall
We'll shake it off
Show me the way
Only the strongest will survive
Lead me to heaven, when we die
I am the shadow on the wall
I'll be the one to save us all
Wanted it back
(Don't fight me now)
06/03/08 at 03:54PixelWizz: You always have the coolest stuff Deus.

Charizard sprites296 viewsI would have uploaded these sooner but my computer had memory problems and kept freezing up on me. I did these for a game called MUGEN (look it up i'm not going to bother telling you...) I wasn't done with this but thanks to my computer it's done now.. hope you all enjoy and give credit to me and Nintendo and the Pokemon company if used. Thanx!!!06/03/08 at 03:51PixelWizz: These look alot like you CharizardMaster

Dante's Devil Trigger32 viewsLike I said here's Dante's Devil form pretty awesome right? anyways this is also a refrence. Dante and Pic belong to Capcom... GO CAPCOM!!!!!!!!!!!!GO DEVIL MAY CRY SERIES!!!!!!!!!06/03/08 at 03:50PixelWizz: Dantes so cool..especially in Devil may cry...sigh...

Nero's Devil Trigger42 viewsThis is Nero from Devil May Cry 4, this is his Devil Trigger the Devil Bringer. He summons it from his demonic arm to bring forth its demonic avatar. Awesome pic.............Once again Capcom rules!!!!!06/02/08 at 03:31PixelWizz: hey F29! go look up the cutscenes for Devil May Cr...