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Ash the kisser104 viewsMelody, Latias (as Bianca), and MayApr 06, 2008
Kira Elena Ketchum66 viewsKira is Delia Ketchum’s first child, at the hospital, Dr. Baragon Van Horn mistaken that she was another family's daughter. Kira doesn’t remember anything, but her adopted parents, Scott and Julie Johnson. Kira lived with Scott and Julie until she was 10, and then she set out on her Pokémon Journey, starting from Viridian City with her first Pokémon, a Pikachu nicknamed Pinka.
In Kanto at the age of 12, Kira was tied up and gagged by Shin-Goji (he was Broly's apprentice during the time). The small mutated godzillasaurus then dragged her
to NeoMonsterIsland along with the rest of his captives. But the Shin released her after quitting the dark lords work, and they become friends.

Kira is secretly the World’s Greatest Pokémon Master, and she became the World’s Greatest Pokémon Master when she was 16. She has at least one of all 493 Pokémon. Kira knows pretty much everything there is to know about the world of Pokémon, or at least, the Pokémon themselves. The only ones who know that Kira is the World’s Greatest Pokémon Master are Ash, Misty, Brock, Tracey, Kevin, Kevin’s parents (Jason and Mary Jones), Tashi, Kisha, Sabrina, Kira’s adopted parents (Scott and Julie Johnson), Shin-Goji, and of course, all of their Pokémon.

Kira’s final Pokémon was the rare and mysterious Celebi, Pokémon number 251. Since rare and powerful Pokémon are very hard to catch, Kira, with the help of her psychic powers (so as to talk with them), made friends with Mewtwo and Mew at age 15, and Mewtwo and Mew helped her make friends with other rare Pokémon, like the Legendary Bird Trio (Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres), the Dynamic Bird Duo (Lugia and Ho-oh), the Legendary Fast-Cat Trio (Rikou, Entei, and Suicune), many other legendary Pokémon, and finally Celebi. These rare Pokémon agreed to officially belong to Kira by having a Master Ball that can recall them, but Kira lets them go where they please. Kira caught all of her other Pokémon on her own.

Mewtwo and Mew helped Kira establish her home and Pokémon reservation on New Island, which now holds over 1,000 Pokémon, most of which belong to either Kira or Kevin. All Pokémon are all allowed to roam free and “wild” on the island. Most are not technically wild Pokémon because a trainer has caught them in a PokéBall. Pokémon that can fly, Pokémon that can swim, and Pokémon that can use Teleport are allowed to leave the island and the water sanctuary whenever they want. Pokémon that cannot do these things ARE allowed to leave the island, but they usually go with a Pokémon that can fly, swim, or teleport.

Kira lived on New Island for one year, starting when she turned 17 and ending when she turned 18, and then came the Epic Darkness of Summer 07. Kira saw Arceus finding the regi trio, so she followed him. Then seeing the darkness pokemon ,Rayzadon, Kira sneekly caught the dragon right before the regis and Arceus destroyed him. Rayzadon couldn't thank Kira more, so he turned nice. After hearing that her old friend ,Shin-Goji was mardhing to war against Broly and DiD, she deciede to join the fight. During the fighting she was captured by Tied_Gagged, then the small godzilla guy rescued her. She went to the warehouse seeing that ShadowX991, D-Mizton, and Merinthos were killed, she saw Ash tied up and hanging from a crane. With the help of a King Ghidorah, she untied Ash, And the sibs were reunited again!
But they forgived Dr. Baragon Van Horn for the mistake he made 18 years ago.
Apr 06, 2008
Dr. Baragon Van Horn19 viewsDr. Baragon: Hi I'm Dr...you get it. For 20 years I have been a great doctor such a Dr. House. So Im just here to assist Dr. Mario incase of extremly hard cases.Apr 06, 2008
Heres the girls and our castle96 viewsF29: I got the girls and your very own luxurious castle in the Orange Islandsmade by me and Stewie. Also the apple tree next to it has a motion detector so when bad guys come to your castle, the tree would activate a trap.Apr 06, 2008
40 viewsApr 05, 2008
Dr Mario's success40 viewsDr. Mario: Mai's smile was easy but Azela needed surgery on her mouth.Apr 05, 2008
Here's Sakura, Ino, and Samantha as a gift75 viewsF29: I got the two ya need, but I thought I bring you Samantha, she might be of good use to ya.Apr 05, 2008
The albino Charizard84 viewsA millennium ago, rumor has it, that Charizards of enormous strength inhabited the great Volcanic Ridges of the Candent Islands. There, the island Charizards were not of the average breed of Charizards... Legends, have been told by humans residing on the mainland, where the Candent islands was located some 100 miles next too, of Charizards that flew... through the water!

Fishermen back then, told stories of great red dragons swimming under their boats, hunting whales and large fish, to bring back to feed their clans back on the Candent Islands... Their giant wingspans allowed them to glide through the water with great speed. Often the Charizards will swim and hunt in groups of seven, leading the pack was an enormous albino Charizard, more then 11' feet in height. A Charizard so powerful, that it is believed to have killed a Gyarados, in the serpents own environment...

Many Pokemon scientists are quick to dismiss this legend, as false. Stating that no existing Charizard, is able to survive once its tail flame has been extinguish. They're forgetting, given the current situation and time, that Pokemon are able to adapt to possibly any conditions that affect their lives...

Why the Candent Islands Charizards in particular? Studies, have been shown, and backed by villagers stories and tales, that around one and a half millennium ago, a mass migration of Charizards and their pre-evolution clan, from the mainland to the Candent Islands took place, to escape the over-whelming Zubat infestations on the mainland... There the Charizards found paradise in the many active Volcano's of the Island, and feasted on the great populations of the original pokemon inhabitants of the island, that were to weak to fend for themselves from the sheer might of a Charizard...

The Charizard clan lived happily on the Island for nearly half of a millennium, before they over-hunted the original island Pokemon to extinction! Entire clans of fire lizards starved, most Charizards tried to make a vain attempt to cross the hundred miles that separated the mainland from the island, often times, carrying their families of Charmeleons and Charmanders with them. They proved to weak from the lack of nourishment, to make the trip though, and many of the fire lizards perished in the open seas...

Stranded, it seemed all was hopeless for the doomed Charizard clan, but one Charizard refused to see his great clan die of starvation! Realizing, that they have wiped out all living Pokemon on the island to feed on. The Charizard looked to sea, and the many creatures that inhabit it. This Charizard was not the average fire dragon; he was indeed the strongest and the most intelligent of the entire clan of Candent Island Charizards, and possibly of all Charizards in the world...

The mighty Charizard, seeing the only way to survive, is for him to adapt, and adapting meant to try to find some way to extinguish it's tail flame, without facing death. Somehow, maybe through meditation and great concentration, the Charizard overcame the tail flame weakness, and emerged through the ordeal as the world's first "flameless" Charizard. It is also believed that because the Charizard was able to accomplish such a feat, the Charizard turned albino, representing the power of a candent flame...

The albino Charizard, arrived in time to save his clan, they have now withered down to nothing but skin and bone, their tail flames so weak, that a strong gust of wind was surely enough to do them in... With the sense of urgency the albino charizard immediately flew high into the air, and then took it's first monumental dive into the sea. Bringing back the carcass of a slashed up Gyarados in it's first hunt in the open seas, to nourish his starving clan...

The Charizard clan, has now seen its way through their worst disaster and survived... Later on, the albino would teach other Charizards the way to extinguish their tail flames, but it proved to difficult for most. Only Six other Charizards were able to overcome the tail flame weakness. Now the albino and the six Charizards, were the sole hunters for the entire clan, because there were much bigger game in the sea, only seven Charizards were needed to feed their entire clan.

The fire lizard clan thrived on sea food, for nearly 300 hundred years, until the worst Volcanic disaster known to mankind occurred... It was a warm summer night under a full moon, when the Candent islands started to violently shake, and in a blink of an eye. The largest volcano of the island, believed to be dormant, awoken in a cataclysmic blast, that totally destroyed the Cadent Island leaving nothing but a giant crater that once was an island, and killed the entire inhabitant Charizard clan. Except for one, the albino Charizard happened to be out on a midnight swim, when the eruption happened...

Like a missile through the water, the albino Charizard, shot out from underneath the sea, once it heard the eruption. Only to witness that everything it had ever known and loved...destroyed! A loud cry from the albino Charizard, could be heard all the way to the peoples of the mainland, followed by a white hot flame shot up a mile high... After some vain searches, by the Charizard, for any surviving members... It eventually gave up, and with a last faint cry, the albino Charizard flew away, never to be seen again...

Some say, the albino Charizard may have taken its own life away shortly after learning that all of his clan members have perished in the cataclysmic eruption. Or that it's either living in deep in some remote section of the rain forest, being the cause of mysterious forest fires. Or that, it's living in some coastal cave, spending its life hunting in the oceans of the world... Over Seven hundred years have gone by, and not one single sighting of the great albino fire dragon has been confirmed. But I, Draco Cinders along with the group that I've assembled, am determined to find and capture, the legendary albino Charizard!
Apr 05, 2008
Charizard rewards158 viewsF29: my good firend.Apr 05, 2008
Stewies other gift51 views- Stewie
Stewie: I also got you 3 girls from the Fire Nation. (left to Right) Ty-lee, Mai, and Azula. their hot!
Apr 03, 2008
Stewie gives Tea and Missy to CharizardMaster219 viewsStewie: *with a hppy face* here ya go Cmaster you big man. *then Frowns* Devil, I know it was you who imped me saying bad things to my best friend F29, and you imped him in an apology to LukeAtmey for what F29 DIDN'T do! I'm glad PPNsteve deactivated the comment poster because you are a Jerk!Apr 03, 2008
Dr. Mario presents34 viewsBlack and white version of me and May for coloring.
(It's everyone allowed to copy this picture once for coloring with Hand or PC)

Schwarz/Weiß-Version von Maike und Dr. Mario zum Ausmalen
und farbig gestalten. (Das Bild darf zum ausmalen von Hand oder per Computerprogramm EINMAL kopiert werden)
Apr 03, 2008
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