PPN Image Gallery

Your online Pokemon, Yo-Gi-Oh!, anime, and anything photo album

Last additions - Grand Kazier Claw42's Gallery
Tharn Bloodtrackers19 viewsOnce the hunt is called there is no escape or trail we cannot follow. We are the serpents in the grass, the falcon which strikes unseen on high.

-Ksana Stagheart, Bloodtracker Huntress
Jan 05, 2007
Druids of Orboros19 viewsTo preserve natural order, we must be prepared to harness primordial forces to hold predations of the civilized world at bay.

-Krueger the Stormwrath, Potent of the Circle.
Jan 05, 2007
Wolves of Orboros28 viewsI heard the drums at night and saw them marching into the fog, spears in hand. There were hundreds of them ready for war. Seeing them chilled my blood as trolls have not.

-Dragho Vozc, former Winter Guard and troll hunter of the Scarsfell Forest of Khador.
Jan 05, 2007
Warpwolf29 viewsI don't know if it's right for us to use them; They are unnatural and I fear tainted. But at this point I am beyond caring. I am glad to have their wild and raw strength.

-Kaya the wildborne, Overseer of the Circle.
Jan 05, 2007
Gorax18 viewsI'd seen one of dem ugly cusses afore, but that 'un was starved an' mangy. This'un was big an' mean as a hungry troll. It grabbed Lars and used 'is skull to break a tree in two.

-Trollkin warrior
Jan 05, 2007
Woldwarden30 viewsI will gladly put my woldwardens against any of those noisy, smoke-belching warjacks. I have allready destroyed several which made the mistake of blundering into my territory.

-Baldur the Stonecleaver, Potent of the Circle
Jan 05, 2007
Woldwatcher65 viewsA pair of woldwatchers sent forward will serve as pillars of protection to cover your advance through the forest. Let them recieve blows meant for you.

Lortus, the watcher of Blighterghast
Jan 05, 2007
Argus22 viewsI require a living specimen. I have several experiments in mind. First I will expose their larynxes, and second I will open their skulls to test if their brains are actually independent.

-Lord Tyrant Hexaris of the Skorne Empire
Jan 05, 2007
Krueger the Stormwrath17 viewsTo understand Krueger you have to think of him not as a man but as a force of nature. He is the raging hurricane, the wild tornado obliterating anything in its path and leaving others to pick up the pieces.

-Omnipotent Lortus of the Wyrmwall Mountains, Watcher of Blighterghast
Jan 05, 2007
Baldur the Stonecleaver14 viewsI eagerly endorse Baldur's elevation to potent. He is the Rock of Orboros. Let him be the force that crushes the plauge-blight.

-Omnipotent Dahlekov
Jan 05, 2007
Kaya the Wildborne27 viewskaya and her pack are one. The spirit of the Wurm fills her when she stalks the forest.

-Kund, Huntsman of the Woves of Orboros
Jan 05, 2007
Fell Caller16 viewsThe fell callers on those raids were terrors. Their booming calls shook the ground, rallied the other trollkin, and worked them into a state of battle frenzy.

-Vlasin Kostok, fromer scout for the Khadoran free mercenaries.
Jan 05, 2007
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