Last additions - kasaibou2nd

Pokémon Ranger Latios Sign128 viewsHere's the sign of Latios from the trailer.
Looks like a Freemason symbol doesn't it.Jan 24, 2010

Ceegee58 viewsInspired by Weegee, it's Ceegee.
First appearance: Youtube Poop: Pkmn and the Forest of Doom part 2Jan 22, 2010

Ho-oh HGSS sprite221 viewsJan 17, 2010

Lugia HGSS sprite150 viewsJan 17, 2010

Suicune HGSS sprite200 viewsJan 17, 2010

Entei HGSS sprite141 viewsJan 17, 2010

Raikou HGSS sprite174 viewsJan 17, 2010

Pokémon Ranger - Tracks of Light Update79 viewsPokemon Ranger Tracks Of Light! New Pokemon Sunday, Gameplay Footage and More! Jan 17, 2010

Raikou & Suicune LEGEND75 viewsRaikou & Suicune LEGEND 160 HP
67-68 of 80
You need both Raikou & Suicune LEGEND cards in order to play. Once you have both cards, place both on your Bench.
:Electric: :Electric: :Colorless: Lightning Spear
Raikou & Suicune Legend does 50 damage to itself. Don't apply Weakness for this attack. 150
:Water: :Colorless: :Colorless: Aurora Gain
Restore 50HP to Raikou & Suicune Legend
Weakness x2 Resistance None Retreat Cost :Colorless:Jan 17, 2010

Suicune & Entei LEGEND94 viewsSuicune & Entei 160 HP
65-66 of 80
You need both Suicune & Entei cards in order to play. Once you have both cards, place both on your Bench.
:Water: :Water: :Colorless: Torrent Blade: Move 2 Energy cards attached to Suicune & Entei into your deck then do 100 damage to one of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.
:Fire: :Colorless: Colorless: Blast Infernon: The Defending Pokémon is now Burned. 80
Weakness :Electric: :Water: x2 Resistance None Retreat Cost :Colorless:Jan 17, 2010

Entei & Raikou LEGEND146 viewsEntei & Raikou LEGEND 140 HP
63-64 of 80
You need both Entei & Raikou LEGEND cards in order to play. Once you have both cards, place both on your Bench
Detonation Swirl
Discard all Fire Energy attached to Entei & Raikou Legend 90
Thunder Fall
Discard all Energy attached to Entei & Raikou Legend and do 80 damage to each Pokémon with a PokéPower. Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for this attack
Weakness Water Fighting x2
Resistance None
Retreat Cost NoneJan 17, 2010

Pokémon Ranger - Tracks of Light: Oblivia45 viewsHere's artwork of the Oblivia region.Jan 15, 2010