PPN Image Gallery

Your online Pokemon, Yo-Gi-Oh!, anime, and anything photo album

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Seven incredible albino animals in world309 viewsIsn't it amazing how the Creator fashioned His creation.
1. Axolotl
2. Hedgehog
3. Koala
4. Sea turtle
5. Cobra
6. Bat
7. Lobster
Jun 05, 2010
Pokemon Black and White Mascots Revealed171 viewsThe official Japanese Pokemon website and Pokemon.com simultaneously revealed the Legendary mascots of Pokemon Black and White: they are to be named Reshiram (Left) (レシラム) and Zekrom (Right) (ゼクロム) for both the English and Japanese games. Reshiram’s name comes from “shiro,” which means “white” in Japanese, whereas Zekrom’s comes from “kuro,” which means “black.” Contrary to their color schemes, Reshiram is Pokemon Black’s mascot while Zekrom is White’s, as you can see on the official Nintendo DS box art below. According to the Japanese website, “Reshiram, with a pure-white body, will be in Pocket Monsters Black, while Zekrom, with a lacquer-black body, will appear in Pocket Monsters White. Each of them are Legendary Pokemon that have a big connection to the history of the Isshu region and hold the important key to the story.” The games will hit store shelves in September for Japan whereas Americans will see their release sometime in Spring 2011. Both Pokemon are such awesome-lookin’ legendaries - they kind of look like angels! Their designs are far more detailed than any previous Legendaries - check out those tails!May 28, 2010
GoldenFlame Shipping page 346 viewsLater, it was now Kan, Deux, Boltia, CharizardMaster, and Pixelwizz.
“Gee, it sure is f**king boring around here,” said Kansaibou.
Then Pixelwizz had an idea. “Hey I got it! We can play Pokemon Spaghetti Version!”
Everyone wondered what kind of game that could be.
. . .
Soon the group was in front of a Nintendo Game Cube connected to a television, the Game Cube had a GBA cartridge of Pokemon Spaghetti Version. The game starts up with the traditional Game Boy Advance opening credit.
“This better be good.” Boltia thought to himself. Then the game’s screen displays a silhouette of spaghetti in front of a red and green background. It flashed ‘PRESS START’, Deus pressed the start button. The screen went black and Deus chose a new game. Then it showed a cut scene of what looked like Fire Red and Brendan Birch walking into a town. Behind the town’s sign popped up what looked like Giovanni, and he gave a creepy laugh.
“Nice of Leaf Green to invite us over for a picnic, gay’ Brendan,” said Fire Red.
“I hope she made lots of spaghetti,” Brendan said.
“Brendan, look!” exclaimed Fire Red walking up to a closed Pkmn Center, that said “Club Rocketz!” in graffiti, and took the note from it. “It’s from Giovanni!”
The PPN group couldn’t believe what they were seeing.
“Dear pesky brats, the rockets and I have taken over the Kanto Region! Your friend, Leaf Green, is now a permanent guess at one of my seven Rocket hotels. I dare you to find her if you can!” Fire Red said reading the letter. “We gotta find Leaf Green!” he said to Brendan.
“And you got to help us find spaghetti,” said Brendan pointing to the gamer.
“If you need instructions, on how to get through the hotels, check out the enclosed instruction book.” Concluded Red having his index finger pointing up. The scene ended. The group looked astonished, and then Kan leaned to his left and puked.
Later, somewhere outside of PPN, Lynx was outside feeding his shiny Arcanine.
“Here you go, pal.” Lynx said petting the Pokémon’s head while munching on Pkmn food. Not far away was Shin Goji. Shin was very interested in Lynx, he felt though he needed to know him more. Then the webmaster walked toward them saying nothing. “Hello, sir.” Lynx said to Shin.
“Good day, young Harlen,” Goji said back. “So what do you think of PPN.”
“It looks like a pretty cool place once you know it. What do you think of it?”
“Me?” Shin asked. “No one’s ever asked me that since I became webmaster. So I’m to believe it’s a cool place too.”
Shin was beginning to feel Lynx’s ki, and it did have a striking resemblance. “Lynx, did you by any chance meet some new people?”
“Oh yeah, I’ve seen both small and great. Yet my best long pals have got to be the Bionicle.”
“Long pals, as in you knew them before you came to PPN?” Goji asked.
“Yeah, they were happy to see me again. I also know F29.”
“F29? He used to come here, you know?” Shin said sounding very suspicious. He knew by his ki that he and F29 were close. “Is he your brother?”
“What? No!” Lynx answered sounding embarrassed. “I know him because Flannery told me.”
“Oh, I guess she did,” Shin said getting it all together. “Well sorry about what I said early.”
“Don’t worry about it,”
Shin now was starting to get it. Later he asked “How long did you have your Arcanine?”
“Had him since I was a little kid,”
“What kind of moves can he do?”
Lynx felt though that Shin wanted to see what he and his Arcanine were capable of. The young lad took out a target Frisbee and gave a whistle. The Arcanine came to his fighting senses, waiting for orders.
“Overheated HyperBeam!” Lynx ordered throwing the Frisbee into the air. Arcanine fired a Hyper Beam surrounded by great flames and it obliterated the target. Shin looked amazed.
“I think my friends are calling for me,” said Shin. “And later on I can show what I can do!” he hollered while running back to the castle.
“Alright, see you later!” Lynx concluded.
May 23, 2010
Mickey Mocks Jesus165 viewsOkay, this is just wrong. >:(May 19, 2010
Pokemon Black and White Trainers and Update157 viewsThey don't look 10 anymore, probably 16 or 18.

The region appears to be called the Isshu Region (イッシュ)

CoroCoro states that the protagonists are older than they have been so far

Zoroark has an ability called Illusion (イリュージョン) which will allow it to transform into various Pokémon. How it differs from the move Transform remains to be seen.
Two new attacks have been announced;

* A move called Trickery (イカサマ) seems to allow the attack to be calculated using the opponent's stats
* Another move called Claw Sharpen (つめとぎ) raises the user's Attack and Accuracy stats

The special event activated by the special Raikou, Entei & Suicune given with the upcoming movie; Phantom Champion Zoroark has been detailed. In this event, when you bring the beasts (it is unclear if it's all three or just one)to the game, a special battle will occur. This battle is against a Level 25 Zoroark which will transform into the various Pokémon. At many points, it will break its transformation to allow you to capture it.

Look at the link below for the battle scenes and game play.
http:// www.youtube.com/ watch?v=nFDwx6X44pk
May 12, 2010
5th gen. starters REVEALED!153 viewsThe Grass Starter, Tsutaja (ツタージャ) is the Grass Snake Pokémon
The Fire Starter, Pokabu (ポカブ)is the Fire Pig Pokémon
The Water Starter, Mijumaru (ミジュマル) is the Sea Otter Pokémon
May 12, 2010
GoldenFlame Shipping page 242 viewsThe next day, PPN was up and progressing above modernly. But this day was different, Flannery wasn’t there as usual. Meeting with Shin-Goji were Deux, Kan, Boltia, and CharizardMaster.
“Gee, it sure is boring around here,” said Kansaibou breaking that groups awkward silence.
“But Kan,” added Shin after taking a drink from his goblet. “This peace is what all good sites stride for.”
Then Deux had an idea. “Hey I got it, we can play Team Fortress.”
Everyone wondered what kind of game that would be.
“So how do you play?” asked Boltia.
“Well one of us, gets to be Heavy Weapons Guy, and the others can be the Scout, the Solider, the Spy, and the Sandvich.”
“Who gets to be the scout?” asked Shin Goji.
“It should be somebody who’s rather little and kinda tough.”
Everyone gave their thoughts about it.
“Yeah, why don’t ‘cha come over here and say that to my face, tough guy!” said Shin playing as the scout.
“You small, it’s funny to me!” said CharizardMaster as Heavy Weapons Guy.
“Ohh yeah, ‘ya real scary.”
“SPY!!! I SEE SPY!!!”
And there was Deus playing as the spy.
“That spy is not one of ours!” proclaimed Boltia as the solider.
“Get behind me, Doctor!” ordered C-Master. And the one playing as the doctor was Kansaibou. Then Deux disappeared.
“This sucks on ice!” said Shin. Deux sneaked behind Boltia and pretended to assassinate him. Then Kan, C-Master, but Shin was the only one standing with his baseball bat.
“You got blood on my suit,” said Deus nowhere in sight.
Shin turned and said “BONK!” while pretending to hit Deus. Deux became visible.
“You got me,” he said.
“I got it, I got it!” Shin proclaimed in victory.
“You did well!” added CharizardMaster.
“Alright, next time I’ll play as solider.” stated Deux.
Then came someone to interrupt the group’s happy moment. It was Flannery.
“Hello, Miss. Blaze. Where have you been this morning?” Shin asked.
“I want all of you meet someone really special, he’s a very good friend of mine,” Flannery said stepping aside to show her friend to the group. He was the young man who appeared at PPN last night with the sheet of paper. Shin felt the young man’s ki, which was strikingly familiar to someone elses.
“Who is this guy?” CharizardMaster asked very suspicious.
“Just you’re average BF,” the boy answered. The charizard was beginning to think of him very suspicious. “Any whom, I’m Lynx.”
“Welcome to PPN, Lynx,” welcomed Shin-Goji.
“Now hold on there!” interrupted Charizard Master. “We don’t know anything about this boy. Who is he? Where did he come from?”
“You can call me somewhat of a loner,” Lynx added.
“Pretty suspicious if you ask me. I say we interrogate him?”
“Are you sure you’re up to it, pal?”
C-Master felt a shiver of fear run down his spine. He did not speak.
Shin got into the middle of the conversation. “Umm, are community is a good one. Perhaps we forgot how to greet unexpected guest. As CharizardMaster said; you’re welcome here.”
“I didn’t say that!” proclaimed CharizardMaster.
“Say what?” Shin asked.
“I didn’t say that Lynx is welcome here!”
Shin brought out a tape recorder and pressed the play button. “Lynx is welcome here!” the tape recorder repeated.
CharizardMaster looked dumbfounded. “Alright, for now I preserve judgment. We’ll see if you are worthy, boy.”
“Great,” Shin said. “Come on, I’ll give you the tour.”
May 10, 2010
5th Gen Starter Pokémon134 viewsDuring the Pokémon Sunday episode of May 9th 2010, the silhouettes of the three Starter Pokémon of Black and White were revealed. These silhouettes are to be uncovered during CoroCoro's June edition due May 15th 2010 and Pokémon Sunday's episode airing May 16th 2010.May 09, 2010
Pokemon 13: Phantom Champion, Zoroark trailer 4156 viewsA new trailer has been revealed quite some time ago.Apr 29, 2010
Pokemon DP anime updates104 viewsA new pokemon episode is in the making and it could mean the end of Team Rocket (Jessie, James, and Meowth), titled: "Sayonara Roketto-dan! Nyāsu no Koi!?" (Goodbye Team Rocket! Love of Nyarth!?) (さよならロケット団!ニャースの恋!?)

Airs May 27, 2010 in Japan
Apr 28, 2010
GoldenFlame Shipping page 1101 viewsThe tyranny of the future was abolished and replaced with a new era of peace from the past. But destroying the evil of the future by defeating it in the past, the past was altered in so many ways. This was the prolonging serenity of Pokemon Palace Network.
It was a starry calm night over the plains of PPN. Outside the castle of majesty was a campfire, surrounded by its most impressed users.
“Okay, so this is how it went,” said a long time user named Boltia. “These kids were stuck in a bus that was about to fall into a ditch. The bus tipped over and fell right into a…”
“Wait a second, which part of the story is really true, Boltia?” asked one of Boltias companions, CharizardMaster.
Boltia chuckled. “Hold you horsies and you’ll see,”
“Yeah, hold you horsies!” added the green toa metru, Matau. Then he took a marshmallow, which he roasted over the fire, and ate it right off the stick.
Boltia cleared his throat as everyone around the fire returned their attention the lightning pokemon. “As I was saying; the bus tipped over and fell right into a shhhh….” He held the ‘sh’ to build up the amusement, “Shaving cream!”
The folks all around him gave a good laughter. After the laughter subsided, Boltia stood up to give someone else a chance to tell a story. The Webmaster, Shin-Goji, stood up and was chosen.
“Okay, this is a story about something that came to mind sometime ago,” Shin announced. “This story takes place in a not-too-distant future,”
Then Shin-Goji continued on that a boy lost his good friend to a villain and the boy used some item to turn back time, but in the form of a young man, to defeat this villain before rising to power. After Shin told the story, everyone looked in awe.
“So what happened to the young man?” asked Kansaibou.
“As soon as he defeated the villain, he went away,” answered Shin.
“That’s it?” a gym leader named Flannery questioned.
“He just left?” added Matau.
“Nobody ever saw him again?” a user named DeusEXmachyna asked.
“Well, he left and his twelve good friends, even the one who died in the future, took his place in a good place to hang out. That’s all I know of this story,” answered Shin. Everyone was in awe again.
“Zvarri, A rather marvelous story Mr. Goji,” said ace detective, Luke Atmey. “And it teaches us that hope for victory and success can come from just about everywhere,”
“But you know, the boys friend who died in the future kind of embodies one of you guys,” Shin said. Everyone felt afraid.
“Is it all true, Shin?” asked Kan shivering.
“Well maybe,” Goji answered chuckling.
LukeAtmey looked at his pocket watch and saw that it was ten minutes after eleven o’clock. “Zvarri, it’s ten after eleven. I believe we are to get some sleep tonight,” he said.
Kansaibou yawned and said “He’s right, ‘night everyone,”
“’Night Kan,” said Boltia. Everyone else agreed and went on home to rest for another day. Flannery was heading back to her home when she was met by CharizardMaster.
“So Flannery, are you busy tomorrow?” the charizard asked.
“Not really, just going to be here tomorrow,” Flannery answered.
“Alright, you want to do something with me?”
“Uhh, I already have plans for tomorrow. Sorry,” she said and went on home. CharizardMaster was noticing that Flannery wasn’t spending time with him, since the middle of 2008. He got some times to be with her, but he felt though she didn’t like him anymore. Still the charizard still had hope of being with her.
Later when the users left the dismissed campfire, the light of the moon and the star filled the night sky. Someone was standing the fields looking at the castle of PPN. It was a young man carrying a piece of paper.
“Gosh it’s been some time,” the young man said.
Apr 19, 2010
PPN Chronicles 2009: GoldenFlame Shipping Poster59 viewsThis here is a poster to the second installment of the PPN Chronicles of 2009 trilogy.Apr 19, 2010
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