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Image search results - "5th"
5th Gen Starter Pokémon135 viewsDuring the Pokémon Sunday episode of May 9th 2010, the silhouettes of the three Starter Pokémon of Black and White were revealed. These silhouettes are to be uncovered during CoroCoro's June edition due May 15th 2010 and Pokémon Sunday's episode airing May 16th 2010.
5th gen. starters REVEALED!154 viewsThe Grass Starter, Tsutaja (ツタージャ) is the Grass Snake Pokémon
The Fire Starter, Pokabu (ポカブ)is the Fire Pig Pokémon
The Water Starter, Mijumaru (ミジュマル) is the Sea Otter Pokémon
Febuary 7th - Pokemon JUDGEMENT day51 viewson Feb. 7th, it'll be decided if there shall be a 5th generation or not.
Zoroark ( ゾロアーク )121 viewsHere's Zoruas evolved form, looks really awesome BTW.
Type: Dark
Classification: Monster Fox Pokémon
Height: 1.6m
Weight: 81.1kg
Based upon its classification, ばけぎつねポケモン, we are able to determine that it is the Phantom Champion as ばける means "to take the shape of" or "disguise oneself".
Zorua ( ゾロア )138 viewsThis is a confirmed 5th gen pokemon, and it does look pretty good.

Type: Dark
Classification: Evil Fox Pokémon
Height: 0.7m
Weight: 12.5kg
Evolves to Zoroark
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