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Image search results - "Pac"
Super Smash Bros (Software Edition)!!!63 viewsThis is what I called "Super Smash Bros"
Lugia=Microsoft Silverlight
Ho-oh=Sun Java
Dialga=Time Machine(Mac OS X Leopard)
Palkia=Spaces(Mac OS X Leopard)
Adventures of the Regi Trio - New Regis116 viewshttps://www.deviantart.com/kasaibou/art/Adventures-of-the-Regi-Trio-New-Regis-871450100
Well, this is awkward. In Gen III, we were introduced to Regirock, Regice, and Registeel which fans called the Regi trio. In Gen IV, we were introduced to Regigigas, the "Trio Master" of the Regis as well as their creator. In Gen VIII, Nintendo introduces us to Regidrago and Regieleki, so Regigigas must have created them too. But hey, a probable theory is that the Regis represent historic ages:
Regirock - Stone Age
Regice - Ice Age
Registeel - Iron Age
Regidrago - Medieval Age
Regieleki - Modern Age
That makes some sense.

Inspired by Haritsuki, creator of Adventures of the Regi Trio / Regimania
PPNs Kaiju against LukeAtmey65 viewsShin: If you want to rule PPN, you'll have to face my powerful kaiju.
Ch. 2 Spacey Love16 viewsOkay here's ch 2. I was going to make it so Shipper liked Kevin, but i didn't so...heh.
Danny is Amber's older brother and he is training to become a pokemon doctor^^
Ch. 3 Spacey Love18 viewsSanta Clause!
ch. 4 Sapcey Love12 views...okay again i was going to make the conversation between Kevin and Shipper more romantic, but i decided not to. And the postion at the end will be important in another fanfic i'm writing^^
Ch. 5 Spacey Love15 viewsOkay this is like...pg-13 and R rated writing so i suggest that if you don't like graphic things don't read it^^ To recap if you aren't reading it Kevin sexually abuses Amber and Ital beats the crap out of him^^
Ch. 6 Spacey Love21 viewsLast chapter. For this...
What happened to Misty when Hojo saved Duplica and left her in the hyrule castle83 views
Pachisentret97 viewsAwhile ago, back when the shadow pic of pachirisu was revealed and i was not visiting this site too often, i thought, "hmm...a squirrel pokemon, they've never done that before, have they...Oh wait, sentret!" and didn't know which one was the better squirrel. So i decided to fuse em' together to eliminate that question. Aside from all that, I JUST FELT LIKE DOING IT!!
Pac Archie117 viewsDont ask where did I get this idea....
I just did.
That ghost is supposed to be Maxie and those red things are suppose to be Red Orbs.
Battle againts Tyrannt Part2117 viewsSpace-hoji,Marius,Spidersenses,Murugu, Phantom_Kansaibou,Anon,Boltia,And Shin-Goji Use there Powers to Bring down tyrannt.Hes ran off crying for his Mommy.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
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