PPN Image Gallery

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Image search results - "SHE"
01. BlueMay.jpg
Blue May4434 viewsThis Hyperion's image is the favorite. May looks pretty.
Boarding Banshees by Sludgee99 viewsa tutorial made by my good friend Slugdee on DA.
Interview with Brushel, part 1.88 viewsAre you guys happy now? Now I have to deal with this leech because you keep throwing dirt at me!
Goldarca17 viewsPronounced: G-old-ARC-a

I actually like how this one came out. The shading of the bigger wing looks kinda funny to me, but I thought it was word an upload. Shedinja and Articuno.

Other Shedinja Sprites:
Goldessa17 views*puts in Lesser Sprites* Simply not enough Shedinja parts to be considered Greater.

Kuku... I've found the beauty of Shedinja. It's the ultimate creature for making angel-like sprites. It's got a silver halo, and it's color can also be used for silver. As well as a gold body. Silver and Gold...

Here's the links to my other Shedinja sprites:
Goldvorna28 viewsShednja and Gardevoir

Shednja is the perfect combination with Gardevoir. I always thought Gardevoir looked slightly angelic, but with Shednja's gold and silver colors, wings and halo...

Other Sprites made with Shednja:
Valentine's Heart56 views- Cupid The Love Fairy
Magmouth 242 viewsthe looksing is a little skechty, but the CGI will be better
Magmouth 123 viewsthe new monster for Godzilla:Unleashed for wii
Magmouth23 views Bio: The Alien crystal activity has brought about violent disturbances deep within Earth's core. The resulting volcanic upheaval awakens an ancient, fiery elemental formed from molten rock.

Special abilities: Like a walking volcano, this brimstone beast fires red-hot magma from its gaping maw and can set foes ablaze.

Design Process: "Magmouth" was a combination of two separate concepts. The first was a rocky, craggy creature that was basically solid rock. The second was more akin to flowing magma.
I DREW IT212 viewsi drew it to show you guys what i can do.-link
murphy brown36 viewsall the murphy brown cast!!! MB ROX!
22 files on 2 page(s) 1