PPN Image Gallery

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Image search results - "celebration"
Marley Battle81 viewsDon't let your guard down. She'll totally kick your ass. Look her team up on Bulbapedia if you don't believe me.
Marley close up99 viewsNothing to say, really, unless you want me to brag about my Shaymin, and NOBODY wants to hear that.
Marley and Shaymin155 viewsLet it be known that on February 8th, I obtained Shaymin! To celebrate, it's a flood of Marley fanart(that I didn't make), because she's Shaymin's biggest fan(I'm totally not using this as an excuse to post Marley fanart, if that's what you're thinking)!

This one has her eyes the wrong color, but the fact that Marley and Shaymin are sharing a pic together is just too awesome.
Dark Marley96 viewsI like the colors in this one.

On a side note, Seed Flare is awesome.
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