Image search results - "farewell"
My Farewell to all142 viewsOh bugger, how do I put this... I'm leaving PPN, sounds pretty brief so I should go into detail. At the rate of PPN Chronicles 2008: The Movie, it may take a long time to finish but Mr. Lolz does die, *MAJOR SPOILER* . So instead I'll finish up the past PPN Chronicles Story arcs from 2005 to the present. CharizardMaster, you'll get your human forme, proofing you are not Beastility *ANOTHER MAJOR SPOILER*. and Shin-Goji beomes the new webmaster after PPNSteve *ANOTHER MAJOR SPOILER >:0*.As for Deux, he said he had a way of returning PPN to it's former glory, well my friend you sucseeded. So PPN has won, and I'll being gone like what'll happen in the movie *ANOTHER FREAKEN MAJOR SPOILER >:O*. But ONE day, I will return with a new quicker method. The PPN Chronicles Wiki is being finish with current info so I'll notify you when finished. But you see me on Youtube and DeviantArt. So bye..