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Lord of the Prophecies 128 viewsFellowship of the Prophecy part 1: It has been 60 sixty years of peace for Middle earth, and today was Space-Hojo's one hundred and eleventeenth birthday(not because of the ord but because SpaceGodzillas have a very long life time). And his Best friends Boltia (Frodo) and Shin-Goji (Gandolf the Grey) along with the rest of the shire celebrated his Bday.But there were a few malfunctions since Volix (Mary) and Ravnosphere (Pippin) played with Shin's magical fireworks. Space-Hojo was about to give his Bday speech, then in an instint he vanished as if he were invisible. Shin-Goji knew he had the prophecy since his last journey with him and the Seven Dwarfs into finding SnowWhites treasure in the hands of a dragon. Space-Hojo had it with people adoring him so much that he wanted Boltia to have the orb, since no one can read it normally. But meanwhile in Mordor, the dark lord Broly's spirit grows impatient and his minoins torture the man who had the prophecy before Hojo. He was tortured by putting him in a box with Manuer, he then said two words that set of the Black Riders to find the orb.
Lord of the Prophecies 128 viewsFellowship of the Prophecie part 3: Goji returned to the Shire and found Boltia who still has the orb. Shin-Goji grabs the prophecy and throws it in Boltia's fireplace, yet warm but no scratch. As he pulls it out, he asks Boltia if the orb says anything, but no. Then the Prophecy says the message and shows the 3 captives. "What does it mean" Boltia asked. Shin-Goji answered that Broly has awakened. Sure Broly was destroyed in war, but his life force dwells in the prophecy and he wants it back. Then the two decided to go somewhere the orb can be safe and out of Broly's eye, the elvish city of Rivendell. Then the grey wizard pulls what appears to be Acroqua (Samwise Gamgee), he was playing in Boltia's garden while listening to their plan, so Shin decided to take him along.
Lord of the Prophecies 128 viewsFellowship of the Prophecy part 12: The land of Isengard was now infected with factories making warcraft for Mordor. On Tyrant's tower, a fairy mothra came and Shin-Goji gaved his message to the fairy. In one the factories, the orcs were busy 24/7 eating nothing but helpess girls. During a generating process, an orc was killed by the specimen, Tyrant find this creature good use of Mordor, The C-Mongler (Uruk-Hai).
Lord of the Prophecies 128 viewsFellowship of the Prophecy part 18: The prophecy was now in Rivendell where it can be safe from Broly. But Professor Oak is worried that he and the elves can't withstand the armies of Isengard. So he proclaims the orb cant stay here. Shin-Goji tells him the men are the only hope, but Oak doesnt believe it, especially after Kievin Ian (Isildur) tried to destroy the prophecy but coudn't. Becuase of that the line of kings is broken. But there is only one who can unite it and claim the throne of Gondor. Meanwhile the new comers Wallace (Boromir), CharizardMaster (Legolas), and Herbipede (Gimli) were called to attend a council.
Lord of the Prophecies 128 viewsFellowship of the Prophecy part 22: Before setting off to Mordor, Spce Hojo gave Boltia two life saving gifts. One, the sword MoarWrist that glows green when orcs are close, and the see-through cloak of Invinciblilty. Then the fellowship begin their journey of a life time.
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