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Most viewed - Wrath of the Wolf
Wrath of the Wolf page 673 views“It looks like he’s surrendering, so that means we win!” CharizardMaster said with pride.
“Hm...nope, you haven't won this battle because I’m not dead. Sorry your little victory can't become a reality.” Said LatiDog entering the fight scene.
“Sheesh, Lati, why are you doing this?” asked Deux.
“I’m doing this because it is for the good of this place.” answered the wolf. “So I’m going to take back this place and kill all of you n00bs.”
Shin did not tolerate such a reason why to fight, so he stood up to Lati face to face.
“If you want my site, then you’ll have to face me.” Shin said prepared to fight. Lati accepted Shin’s challenge. The two stepped back 3 steps and got into fighting position. They stood in their poses as the sound of swords hitting other swords was heard. Deux, C-Master, and Kan were ready to back up Shin if he needs help. Joining the three watchers were Flannery, Boltia, Pixelwizz, Dr. Mario, and Lati’s forces stood to watch the fight. After seconds of anticipating wanting of Vengeance-Goji and LatiDog to fight, the two charged at one another in matrix style. Then their fangs, claws, punches, kicks, and blast of ki shot at each other. After seconds of violence, Goji punched Lati in the face as Lati did the same to Shin with her paw. Then they flew away each other in opposite directions. Shin landed on his feet as Lati crashed into a wall.
“Your really good Lati.” Shin said. Lati heard Shin’s compliment as she regained herself.
“Well FYI, so are you.” Lati replied. Then the wolf powered up, taking her strength to a new level. Shin did so too. Then they flew into each other with great speed. At the point of collision, a great outburst of energy exploded in all directions. As the energy cleared, Shin and Lati are still at a clash. Lati charged at Shin, but missed.
“She’s really impressive,” Shin thought to himself panting. Lati was panting too, but said to herself “How can this be? No matter how much I power up, this idiot is always even to me?!”
“You something Lati,” Shin said attempting to prove a point “If you are so strong, how come you didn’t help us when PPN was invaded?” he asked.
“Because, n00b, I don’t like to fight!” Lati answered.
“Well you’re fighting right now.” Shin stated.
“And that is because of you, and your n00bish followers, or friends!”
“But this has nothing to do with my friends, even Flannery!” Shin responded pointing to her as the people around her step away. “She did nothing wrong to you!”
“Yes she, she burned me with her Vulpix, remember!” Lati replied with anger.
“Well that’s because you shot first!” Shin pointed.
“And that’s because F29 had to posted 100 f**king pictures of that sl**ty b**ch!” Lati replied again. Everyone was astonished at Lati, she said three bad words in the same sentence. “Let us this childish game!”
Shin insisted and they clashed once more. Every hit of the claws, teeth, kicks, and punches gave off waves of power that felt like strong winds. Everyone watching was feeling the powerful waves. When the two backed away, Shin fired his Vengeance Beam as Lati fired her LatiBeam. The two beams collided forming a beam lock. Then they beams exploded giving out clouds of smoke. When the smoke cleared, Shin and Lati are left panting and exhausted. Seconds passed, they both regained their stance. Then Shin reverted back his normal form as Lati did the same with her power. But Shin fell to the ground, Lati has won.
Wrath of the Wolf Page 867 views Meanwhile, the 6 fugitives were still on the run. Boltia was in front of them thinking of what help to get. They couldn’t call upon Leviathan’s wrath because Shin wasn’t with them. Nor can they fight back, because Lati and the others were stronger than them, even with Deus’s NeoDammerus form. They could not get assistants from Neo Monster Island, since they can’t get there by boat, Elvis’s motorcycle, or by plane. Quintana wasn’t with them since he left a long time ago, so did F29. What or who else could help them fight back?
After minutes of running away, they came to a stop by a tree to rest in the shade. Each one of them was thinking of what just happened, PPN being taken over by LatiDog, and no one else to think of to get help. After a breathier, CharizardMaster had an idea.
“Hey guys, I know who we can get help from!” he said to everyone in the shade.
“Who?” they asked.
“We can ask LukeAtmey for help.”
Everyone thought it was a great idea. LukeAtmey was first a bad guy to our heroes, but then decided to join the good guys when his lust was taken by Shin’s soul in 2008. Plus, Luke is a smart man, he would know what to do in this type of situation. During the holiday season, Luke went to his family’s home in London, Great Britain. And he still is until March 21st.
“Great idea, CharizardMaster!” said Kan.
“So all we have to do is get to London.” said Pixelwizz. “This shouldn’t be a problem at all”.
“I can help you get to London.” said a mysterious voice. The fugitives looked around and saw that it was Birdo_Eee. Birdo_Eee stood in the sunlight with a face that tells the 6 that they can trust him.
“Okay.” Kan said trying to gain his trust. CharizardMaster on the other hand had a feeling of distrust.
“Wait a second!”C-Master proclaimed. “Just how can we trust this guy? What if he’s working of Lati and bent on capturing us?” he asked trying to get the others to agree with him.
“Well my friend, I am a member of Lati’s Pad, and I sing along with her. But I would never join her in such hostiles.” B_Eee said. CharizardMaster was now receiving the feeling of trust and understanding. Birdo_Eee then said “There’s a rest stop on the road just a few miles from here. We should start moving now before sunset.”. The others insisted on the idea, and they followed him.
Meanwhile back at PPN, Lati was prepared for her new set of laws on the website. The users stood before her with faces of resentment. In front of Lati were Amber and SecretBySecret, for protect incase of assassination. Lati then read from her sheet of laws “From this day forward, all pictures that wish to be uploaded will be reviewed under my approval!”. The users founded it Okay since that law was already in effect since PPNSteve’s and Shin’s reign. “But, any picture that has to do with Flannery, any picture made on MS paint, and/or anything n00bish to me will not be uploaded!”. That was when the crowd realized that anything n00bish to Lati is what a great majority of them like. And then they started to disagree with shouts.
“Order, order!” protested Lati’s guards. Lati then continued on her new laws.
“Now about the comments. Anyone who posts a comment that has nothing to do with the artwork or picture will have their comment deleted.”
Then the audience had a thought, Lati and her friends chat on pictures that don’t associate with the pic at all.
“Wait a minute!” expressed Dr. Mario. “You chat on pics too, so why not us?!”
Then suddenly two guards grabbed Dr. Mario by the arms and dragged him to the dungeon. Dr. Mario yelled “What the hell are you doing, I have the freedom of speech you unconstitutional bastards!”. But the guards still dragged him.
The crowd then went into an uproar by the unconstitutional act. The guards then came into the scene to calm down the crowd. Lati founded this entertaining while, sitting next to her, Shin founded it as an outrage. Shin still bared the ring around his head that prevented him from using his powers. He hoped that one day the ring will come off and he’ll overthrow Lati. But he’s going to have to wait.
Wrath of the Wolf Page 362 viewsOutside the PPN castle was Lati's good firend, SecretBySecret, who was a yellow wolf. She looked at Lati who had a pale face.
"My goodness, Lati what happended?" SecretBySecret asked.
"It was mortifying." Lati shrugged. "I think I need a glass of water." then the two wolves walked back to Lati's own site, Lati's Pad, which was a small shack. Inside was an unfinished hall containing members such as a small white homo named Amber, a young, brown haired, suicidal, woman named Jordan, and a little, pink dinosaur named Birdo_Eee. There were other PPN users that lost hope during the Wars. Everyone looks where Lati and SbyS have entered and wanted to ask questions.
"So Lati, what is PPN like today?" asked Amber.
"PPN isn't going as well and those n00bs that are running it are now trying to make it good again." Lati answered with her face not pale anymore.
"And what about Deux?" asked a user named Devil_Noke.
"Deus, you ask, has failed to kill F29. But that doesn't matter now because F29 is gone now." SecretBySecret answered.
"Deus didn't kill F29, why?" questioned Jordan.
"Because Deus forgot his mission to kill F29 in April of 2008 when he fell in love with that wierdo, Winona." Lati answered. Everyone had waited for that answer since they couldn't go back to PPN since they've feared that the Wars were not over. And now that they've learned this, their faces showed disappointment.
"Well, I guess that settles it." exlaimed Devil "We'll just have to get use to hanging out here in this broken down, one horse, polluted water shack."
"Oh no we're not!" Yelled Lati.
"What?" Jordan asked. Jordan nor everyone on Lati's Pad heard her give such a yell.
"We're not staying here forever! I say we take Pokemon Palace Network back as our own place!" Lati added. Everyone never knew she would even speak of that, even on her own site.
"Why do you say that?" asked SecretBySecret.
"Because...." Lati answered and cutted off into song.
♪I remember a time
When PPN sublimed
There was plenty of loot in the lair♪

♪We'd plunder and pillage
And ransack some n00bs
With nary a worry or care♪

♪Then along came the Wars
And those n00bs volunteered
But what did we get in the end,♪

♪So rally the troops!
We were meant to regroup
And return to our roots once again!♪

♪Are you in or out?♪
Gotta know without a doubt
I'm the one you need for a dirty deed
I'm the best, success is guaranteed
♪Are you men or mice?♪
Take a slice of my advice!
You want a fearless leader, one that's strong and stout?
Better vote for me
♪Are you in or out?♪
"Hey, you know Lati's right!" explained Devil
Other Users:
♪We used to be smart, yes,
Horrendously heartless
In ravaging raids, we were rough♪

♪We knew what we had
To be blissfully bad;
Then those brats gaved us sensitive stuff!♪

♪And we strayed from the path
Of our rigorous wrath;
Now we're taking a bath in the dust!♪

♪But we'll reclaim our winnings,
Our humble beginnings,
In turmoil and torture we trust!♪
♪Are you in or out?♪
♪Double-crossers or devout?
Put your faith in me,
Pretty soon you'll see
I'm the princess of generosity♪
Other Users:
♪Are you foe or friend?♪
♪Here's the path I recommend
You want a ride to fame?
I've got the fastest route;
What's it gonna be?♪
♪Are you in or out?♪

♪We'll go trolling in all the right places,♪
♪From Agrabah dunes to Bali♪
♪Imagine the fear on their faces♪
♪When we drop by for cookies and tea♪

Come along, everyone!
Follow me!
Other Users:
♪Are you in or out?♪
♪If you're with me, give a shout (YAY!)
I'll lead you all the way,
Into the glory days♪
♪We'll begin a life of crime that pays♪
♪Are you out or in?♪
Make your choice now, sink or swim!♪
♪You can stick with me, or stay behind and pout♪
Other Users:
♪What's it gonna be?♪
♪Consider carefully.♪
♪Are you in or out? ♪
Wrath of the Wolf page 1762 viewsThe date is March 6th, 2009, it was the afternoon. The very exact time that PPN was having its Pop Music Night.
“Alright, this is it,” said a young man standing in the fields looking at the castle. Right behind him was a bush, and hiding behind it was Lati. The young adult felt her presence. “Come on out Lati, I know you’re here,”
“What?” the wolf replied.
“You’re so lame sneaking around like a boogey man. What’s your plan, to see how far PPN’s childish hate goes? You must wonder how this place must be going,” he stated knowing exactly what she could have done.
“What the, how do you know all this?”
“It’s written all over your face,”
This made Lati shocked to be in front of someone like a psychic. “So you know about my unexpected return, and if you do, then how is the childish site going?” she asked.
“Pretty good, it just needs one more addition. It’s good old friend, me,”
“You?” the wolf wondered how this young man can be PPN’s old friend. Then she felt his ki, which was strikingly similar to F29’s. “What a second, how come I sense F29’s ki in you?”
“The others will find that out later, but I will tell you that my GF is very popular amongst these people” he stated. Now Lati was hit with a big surprise.
“I can’t believe it, you’re in a shipping with her?” Lati exclaimed. “This can’t be possible, just how can you be hers if I don’t know you. Well I don’t care about it, it doesn’t matter anyway, but no it is fine. After hearing this, she’ll get what she deserves for what she did to me,”
The young man sighed, “You just can’t let her go can’t you. But if you can get by me, you can have her. If not, then you have to promise to leave everyone’s life, in that castle, in peace!”
This was a challenge that Lati had to accept. “Okay, I accept your little challenge,”
“But can we choose a better place to settle this?”
“Sure, why not,”
. . .
Later, the two were in a wasteland a little far from PPN.
“This is it!” the young man said.
“Perfect, a good place to mark your grave,” Lati added.
“You know, we don’t have to do this,”
“Such tripe!” Lati interrupted. “Where’s your pride, boy?! What happened to the superior intellect these days?”
“But it’s not about superiority, maybe if we’re both to say we’re sorry,”
“No! I’m not sorry!”
“Very well then,”
Then the two got into a fighting stance and waited for the right time to strike.
“Are you sure you’re not sorry?” he asked again. Lati felt annoyed.
“Yes, how many times must I tell you, that I’m not sorry for anything!?”
While Lati was yelling, the young man took out a pokeball and came out a shiny Arcanine. “Double-Edged Flame Blitz!” he commanded. The golden Arcanine burst into flames and recklessly tackled Lati. The startled wolf regained her balance while huffing and puffing for air.
“Okay, not bad, but I can do better,” she said arrogantly. “Now witness the power of an elder!”
“Elder, of what?” the young man asked.
“It means that I’ve been a superior user than everyone else for a long period of time, you n00b!” she answered. The young trainer thought about what she said, and didn’t say anything. Only the sound of wind filled the silence. LatiDog felt like she had to explain everything.
“Sigh!” she said to humble herself. “Consider yourself a ten year old boy and consider me as your sixteen year old sister,”
“You know my GF was sixteen when we first met,” he added. Lati didn’t say anything.
“I’m going to start hitting you now, I don’t know when I should stop,” she said in a low tone of voice.
“Well thanks for the explaining, Miss Dog,” concluded the boy. Now Lati felt insulted and charged at him like a bull. “Arcanine Dig!” he said and dodged Lati’s charge. She missed, but charged again at him. Then the golden Arcanine popped out of the ground under her and tackled and plunged her to the ground. There was left a hole, Arcanine retreated out of it, but Lati didn’t.
“This… means… nothing at all,” the wolf said with echoes underground. The boy looked into the deep hole.
“Are you okay down there?” he asked.
“Yes, I’m fan-F**king-taskic! Nothing but tea and biscuits down here,”
“Wow, really? Can I come down too?”
“I’m surrounded by idiotic children,”
“But I thought you’re surrounded by tea and biscuits,” he said. Then Lati let out a scream of experienced stupidity. The ground beneath the young man and his Arcanine started to crumble. They jumped to safer ground as the crumbling earth exploded with rage and energy. There was a crater with Lati, in the middle of it, enraged.
“Oh, looks like Miss Lati had too much biscuits. Ay’ governor,” the boy said in a British accent. His Arcanine gave two barks of agreement.
“THAT’S IT!!! NO MORE MERCY!!!!!” Lati shouted. She jumped into the air, levitated by her raging energy. “YOU SEE PPN OVER THERE, N00B!?” the wolf asked pointing to the castle in a distance.
“Yeah, what about it?” he asked.
“Why that’s not very nice,”
“And are you saying you have a latte beam?” he asked again. This made Lati angrier and gave a shout about it. This made the young man realize that he had to stop her beam. He order his Arcanine to jumped and use an “Overheated HyperBeam”. Then the LatiBeam and the fiery HyperBeam clashed in a beam lock.
“GIVE UP, N00B! YOU WILL NEVER WIN THIS FIGHT!” Lati yelled firing her beam still. The boy had to do something, so he reached into his pocket and founded a charcoal.
“Arcanine, here’s a charcoal to make you stronger!” he hollered throwing the burned wood to Arcanine. When it came in contact with the golden canine, the fiery HyperBeam became much stronger. Then it surpassed the LatiBeam and Lati was shot higher into the air. After the light of Lati’s power vanished to the sky, the young man and his Arcanine felt though they won. But Lati was still breathing, while she was being hurled into space, she regained her self. Now she was very very angry, she now wanted the young man dead.
“SON OF A F***ING B**CH!!! THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING TO ME!!! I’M LATIDOG, DAMN IT!!! THE BEST USER OF ALL SITES I STAND UPON!!!!” she yelled to the sky. After catching her breath, she plotted on how to kill him. “Yeah I’ll do it! I’ll destroy him with my Lupus Ira! But wait, there’s just one problem. HOW DO I DO IT!?”
After all that shouting, she plunged back to the Earth to finish the fight once and for all. The young man and his Arcanine were ready to end this. Lati landed back on the ground.
“Hold on,” he said. “Why are you doing this?”
“Why am I doing this, why am I fighting you? I;ll tell you why, BECAUSE OF YOU, AND THE REST OF THOSE N00BISH FOLLOWERS OF SORTS!”
“Okay, but one thing: You don’t use a ‘;’ and it is “I’ll”, not “I;ll”,” he advocated. “But just to even once and for all, maybe you should apologize for saying your ‘uncalled for’ opinion on those 100 pictures,”
“Well that’s an easy mistake to make when talking fast AND the two buttons are next to each other. I HATE YOU SO MUCH!!!! Oh and ‘uncalled for’? Sorry kid, but opinions are never ‘uncalled for’, which is WHY they are called opinions!”
“What?” the young man asked misunderstood.
“Are you serious, ARE YOU F***ING SERIOUS?!”
“And another thing you should know, your comment got deleted,” he concluded. Lati now felt dumbfounded, and humiliated.
“What, who did it? I’m going to kill who ever kills my comments!”
“My goodness, Lati what happened?” asked someone else. It was SecretBySecret.
“This n00b pawned me hard, and someone deleted my comment! How dare them!” answered Lati.
“Never mind that, but he’s an idiot,” added the yellow wolf.
“Yeah, and the fish will eat him one day,”
“And then we eat the fish,”
“Excuse me!?!?” said a mighty voice from the sky. Then a giant shark flew to the land and stared at the wolves. “Sorry, but no one eats the fish!”
“Sorry to ask, but who are you?” asked the young man.
“Why I am the fish, the most random plot twist!” the giant shark answered. “And now to finish this, once and for all!”. The fish flew back and his face popped up and lazar face. “IMMA FIRIN MY LAZAR!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” and a blue and white large beam shot out the mouth and hit the wolves hard.
“Ack!!! The only thing keeping me sane in this moment of humiliation, this that there was no way we could of dodged this!” said Lati.
“You know you could of just said you were sorry and maybe this whole mess would of never happened,” added the Fish.
“DAMN YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Lati shouted. And those were her last words, the wolves, were gone.
Wrath of the Wolf page 1456 viewsIn the castle hall, Shin and the others told F29 what happened in the past few days.
“What?!” F29 exclaimed loudly. “PPN taken over by Lati?!”
“I am sorry, but it is true,” said Shin. It sounded unbelievable to F29, hearing that the one site that thrived for years was conquered by one of its own user. “That’s why we’re here; we need your help,”
F29 thought of it for a moment, and gave a zealous response. “Alright, I’ll help you,” the boy said. “I’ll tell my friends that I’m going away for some time. Or maybe forever,”
“Forever?” Acroqua asked. “Why do you say that?”
“Because of what Shin said, Lati defeated him in his vengeance state even powered up,” F29 stated.
“Well he’s got a good point” Shin said. “But when we attack, I’ll be one your side, kid,”
Goji believed that if he sides with F29, they can both defeat LatiDog once and for all. And F29 has gotten much stronger since 2008.
“Okay, we’ll march at dawn’s early light,” the boy concluded.
Meanwhile CharizardMaster, Flannery, Boltia, Kansaibou, Deux, and Pixelwizz were standing in front of their own robotic fighting machines.
“Once you activate these machines, your strength will be a thousandfold, zvarri!” stated LukeAtmey in his fighting machine. Then each of the six got into their machines and activated them. Each of them felt a great increase in power.
“Wow, this feels awesome!” Deus said.
“Alright, see what this can bad boy can do,” Flannery envied pitching to gear. And the machine lifted its right hand and shot a red and white laser that shot a hole in a hill. Flannery looked in awe; she never had unleashed that kind of power. The other 5 machines unleashed their lasers and each one at a different color. CharizardMaster’s was red and orange, Boltia’s was gold yellow and white, Kansaibou’s was violet and white, Deus’s was dark and white, and Pixelwizz’s was blue, white, and pixilated.
“Zvarri! Indeed your lasers are magnificent,” Luke said in his updated fighting machine. “And we’ll reveal more attacks once we attack today,”
“Yeah! Let’s go now!” Yelled CharizardMaster pumped for battle. And the 7 soldiers in machines flew into the sky and turned to skies above PPN.
Wrath of the Wolf page 946 views The next day, the six refugees and Birdo_Eee have reached a freeway.
“This is it, the freeway that leads to an airport.” B_Eee says. The ascending road displayed numerous cars moving at fast speed.
“Only one problem” stated Kan. “Which direction is to the airport?” that question gave some confusion. They searched for a sign that said where the airport would be. Then Pixelwizz spotted it, the airport was west from where they were at.
“Okay, we just have to follow the road west then we be at the airport in a few hours.” Said Deus.
“Or can we get there by car?” asked Flannery. Everyone started to agree.
“I’m afraid that can’t happen.” said a murky voice. Everyone startled and turned to see that it was Krokodyle-Man. “By the order of Webmaster, LatiDog, you six are under arrest. Thanks for the help, B_Eee.”
“No, I am not helping you or Lati.” Said Birdo_Eee. “These guys didn’t do anything to deserved this.”. Krokodyle-Man now founded B_Eee to be guilty of treason.
“You have the nuts to defy your webmaster, or her bounty hunter. So you’ll be under arrest too.” Said the crocodile. Meanwhile, Boltia spotted a pulled over car that they can use. Out of the blue, he took out a little mirror and shines the light to Krokodyle-Man’s eyes, blinding him.
“Quick, follow me to that car!” Boltia yelled getting the others to follow him. Birdo_Eee stood behind.
“Hey Birdo, aren’t you coming?” asked CharizardMaster.
“No, I’ll buy you some time. Good luck.” Replied B_Eee.
“C’mon, let’s go.” Said Kan. Then the six made a break for it to the car. Deux observed the car.
“This is Rush Limbaugh’s car.” Deux said.
“So what. Were trying to elude someone, not drive him to soccer practice,” Said Kan.
“Quick get it!” exclaimed Boltia opening the driver’s door and jumping into the seat. Everyone get into the car and shut the doors quickly. Boltia was having issues trying to start it.
“Oh just let me do it!” Flannery said climbing into the driver’s seat hijacking the car wires to activate the engine. Miraculously, the car was on and Flannery floored the gas pedal sending the automobile at a great speed. Meanwhile, Rush Limbaugh was walking up to where his car was and saw that it was gone.
“SON OF A B***CH!” yelled the political commentator.
In the stolen car, the people in the back saw that Krokodyle-man was not in sight.
“I think he’s gone,” said Deux. Everyone gave a sigh of relief. Then they heard something land on top of the car, it was the croc.
“I got you now!” said Krokodyle-man. Then the car began to twist and turn out of control because the driver, Flannery, was getting stressed out. This caused the croc to lose his grip on the roof of the car. Then Krokodyle-man finally let go and landed onto the freeway regaining his balance. He knew he had a job to do, so he began to sprint after the fugitives. Pixelwizz looked into a car mirror saying “OBJECTS IN MIRROR ARE CLOSER THAN THEY APPEAR” and eyepoppingly saw Krokodyle-man sprinter to them opening his jaws. The little wizard then put the window down and formed a pixilated boxing glove.
“Ha, don’t make me laugh!” said the croc sprinting after the car. Pixelwizz levitated the glove and punched Krokodyle-man in the eye as a boxer would. The croc then lost balance and was looking much small as the fugitives drove away.
“It looks like we lost him for sure,” said Deux. But he was wrong. The croc was jumping over cars to catch them. Deus looked forward and saw something that can help. And in surprise he saw a road sign above the freeway meters head.
“Flannery, keep driving!” Deux instructed climbing to the roof the car. The croc was getting closer. “Ha ha, you can’t catch us!” said Deux taunting Krokodyle-man.
Krokodyle-Man replied “Oh don’t bet on it you little…” but was cut off when he jumped right into the street sign Deux wanted him to hit.
“U FALED!!!” Flannery yelled with one hand on the wheel and giving Krokodyle-man the middle finger with the other.
. . .
Finally they reached the airport, with the plane that was about to take off. They didn’t have tickets, so they had to sneak into the cargo hold. The group hid behind a pile of boxes waiting for the right moment to sneak. Now was their chance.
“Quick, let’s go,” CharizardMaster said. Then the six went onto the ramp and into the cargo hold.
“Perfect, now it’s just smooth flying to Great Britain,” Boltia said stretching his arms to rest. After a few minutes the plane began to take off. But Krokodyle-man was hanging on to the planes front leg as it was going into the plane and taking off. When the bottom the door closed, the croc took out a communicator to contact Lati.
“Webmaster, I am on hold with the fugitives on a plane going somewhere. But it appears to be going east,” said the croc.
“Good, and once you got them, bring them to me,” replied Lati sitting in her office. Then Shin walked in holding a tray of tea.
“Here’s your tea, your highness,” Goji said sarcastically looking away from her. Lati said nothing and took the cut and sipped the tea.
Wrath of the Wolf page 1341 viewsAt dawn’s early light, Shin-Goji and the other escapees, awake from their sleep on the soft, green grass. The Nerd looked at his watch on his wrist to observe the digital numbers as: seven, twenty-two AM.
“C’mon,” Shin said to everyone stretching. “Serebii.net can’t be far from here now,”. The sun was rising to their left sides, which meant that the sun was to be behind them and turn east.
Then after a half hour of walking, they’ve made it to the Serebii castle. This made Shin give a laugh of excitement.
“We made it!” shouted the little kaiju. Then everyone joined the thrill. The group ran for the door of the castle and Shin made a stop, in front of the castle’s draw bridge of a door. Next to the door was voice box with a button. Goji reached to press it and succeeded. Then a voice came out of the box.
“Hello and welcome to Serebii.net, where Legends come to life,” said the box.
“It is I, Shin Goji, dethroned for now, Webmaster of Pokemon Palace Network. Or titled as, Pokemon Palace Network Studio, for some reason. Defender of PPN when it was under attack by AnimeExpansions. And the one who claimed the title of ‘Webmaster’ when PPNSteve resigned! ”.
After a few seconds, the box said “Pull the other one!”
“I’m sorry, but PPNSteve is not here. Any whom, we have ridden the length and breadth of the land in search of Fighter29. We must speak with him,”
“What? Your party,”
“What about it?”
“All I see with you is four pokemon, an angry nerd, a baby, some other dude, a doctor and small others,”
Now Shin was losing his patience, “For the love of whatever, JUST LET US IN!!!”
“Okay then,” said the box frightened. Then the draw bridge lowered to let the escapees enter. The castle hall revealed it’s majesty of green and black decorations, and eight halls containing shelves of knowledge, everyone gave awe to the castle hall.
“Okay, enough awing and more finding F29,” Shin said getting the others straight.
“Say, are you looking for F29?” asked someone else from their left. The group looked and saw a shiny Celebi wearing glasses. It also was carrying a few articles for a hall.
“Yes, do you know where he is?” asked Shin.
“Sure, he’s on the practice field with some friends. Come, I’ll show you,” the pink pokemon said showing them a path.
There was a field on the right side of the main castle. On it was a group of users practicing their techniques. But there was a girl with blonde hair on the side lines watching a young man, with dark hair and dark clothing, practicing with another user named, Raichu2626.
“Your move,” said the young man, and then the raichu then charged at him with a Volt Tackle. The young man held his palms together and said “Contego!” and his hands forged an energy shield. It blocked the Volt Tackle and caused an explosion of black smoke, and when it cleared, the boy was still standing as the raichu was.
“Wow, nice job, son,” said the raichu.
“Thank you,” said the young man. The girl with blonde hair on the sides gave applause. Then the pink Celebi appeared followed by Shin-Goji and the group of escapees.
“Here you are, the practice field,” said the pokemon. The young man in black looked at the group was now filled with happiness.
“Hey kid, do you know F29?” Shin asked the boy.
“Why sure I do,” he replied.
“You do?”
“Yeah, he’s me,” the boy said pointing to himself. Shin gave a look of happiness and hugged the boy.
“I really missed you, friend,” Shin said in his arms, and let go.
“I missed you too,” F29 said back, he looked up and saw the rest of the escapees who were also happy to see him. But looked suspicious at the ring on Goji’s head “How come you have that ring on your head?” he asked.
“Oh yes, this,” Shin answered pointing to the ring. “This thing prevents me from transforming, which really sucks,” .
“Why would you put that on?”
“I didn’t, Amber put it on me,”
“Never mind, can you just get this thing off?”
“Sure I can,” ended F29. He put his hand on the ring and said, “Orbis, eximo!” and the ring loosened and dropped to the ground before Shin’s feet. Goji now felt free, and cheered in glee.
“Thank you so much!” Shin said hugging him again, but harder.
“No problem,” F29 said being constructed in Shin’s arms “Uh, you’re crushing me,”
Wrath of the Wolf page 1137 viewsMeanwhile, the six fugitives have landed in London, Great Britain.
“Now all we have to do is to find Luke,” said Kansaibou. They others agree and they set out to the city. Behind them not to far was Krokodyle-man trying to pick up their scent. Then his communicator gave its ringtone. The croc answered it.
“Yes, Webmaster,” said the croc.
“Krokodyle-man, we have a problem,” replied Lati.
“What is it?”
“The n00bs that were here are gone now,”
“And why is that a concern?”
“Because who knows what they can be doing?”
“Maybe they left because they wanted to move on to better sites,”
“Maybe, but there’s got to be another reason,”
Krokodyle-man soon got that off his mind and focused on his mission, “Any whom, I’ve seemed to arrive in London, Great Britain,”
“Great Britain? Why would those six n00bs go there?”
“I don’t know, but I’ll still stick to my mission,”
“Good, see ya,” then Lati turned off her communicator.
Later, the groups of fugitives led by Kan are still on the search for the Atmey house. Kan held out a postcard that Luke sent them during the holidays.
“His house has got to be a few blocks down,” Kan said reading address and looking at the house numbers. Then appeared a house that had the same number as the one in the address, 142.
“Here it is!” pointed CharizardMaster.
“Finally we made it,” said Flannery hugging him. Kan walked up to the door and gave it a few knocks. A few moments later, the door open showing their o’ pal.
“Zvarri! My very good friends coming to see me I see,” the good man rhymed. “Please, don’t come in, zvarri!”
The six walked into the house and made their selves at home. Inside, the house smelled like ginger and gave a jolly feeling.
“Please, do sit down around the fire and I’ll make some tea, zvarri!” Luke insisted in the kitchen. The group agreed and sat down on a long sofa. LukeAtmey came out carrying shining tray with 7 glasses of green tea. He landed the tray on the coffee table and sat down in his own arm chair.
“So do tell me, what brings you here? Zvarri!” Luke asked leaned forward with his hand on his chin.
“What didn’t have any other option,” said Pixelwizz.
“Do you know LatiDog that used to go to PPN?” asked Deux.
“Zvarri! LatiDog?” Luke wondered. “Hmmm, isn’t she the whining mutt that gave that , out of nowhere, comment about those pictures of Miss Flannery Blaze here?”
“Oh yes, that’s her,” Flannery answered.
“That’s why we came here, Lati has taken over PPN,” added CharizardMaster. This made Luke spit out the tea in his mouth and coughed.
“Zvarri! Pokemon Palace Network taken over by a dog!” the ace detective said. “That is very farfetched!”
“Yes, it does sound unbelievable, but it’s true,” said Boltia. “Shin wasn’t able to defeat her, even in his Vengeance State!”
“So we came and we need your help,” said Deux.
“Zvarri! Very well then, I’ll assist you in your little rebellion,” Luke said. Then there were loud knocks on the door. Pixelwizz walked to the window and saw that it was Krokodyle-man.
“Uh-oh! It’s the croc from the freeway!” the pixilated wizard said in fright. This made the other fugitives jump and afraid.
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