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I knew you47 viewsHello everyone, I'm back with a Pro-life I'm planning to use in an upcoming Pro-life vid on YouTube.

God bless.
Wrath of the Wolf page 946 views The next day, the six refugees and Birdo_Eee have reached a freeway.
“This is it, the freeway that leads to an airport.” B_Eee says. The ascending road displayed numerous cars moving at fast speed.
“Only one problem” stated Kan. “Which direction is to the airport?” that question gave some confusion. They searched for a sign that said where the airport would be. Then Pixelwizz spotted it, the airport was west from where they were at.
“Okay, we just have to follow the road west then we be at the airport in a few hours.” Said Deus.
“Or can we get there by car?” asked Flannery. Everyone started to agree.
“I’m afraid that can’t happen.” said a murky voice. Everyone startled and turned to see that it was Krokodyle-Man. “By the order of Webmaster, LatiDog, you six are under arrest. Thanks for the help, B_Eee.”
“No, I am not helping you or Lati.” Said Birdo_Eee. “These guys didn’t do anything to deserved this.”. Krokodyle-Man now founded B_Eee to be guilty of treason.
“You have the nuts to defy your webmaster, or her bounty hunter. So you’ll be under arrest too.” Said the crocodile. Meanwhile, Boltia spotted a pulled over car that they can use. Out of the blue, he took out a little mirror and shines the light to Krokodyle-Man’s eyes, blinding him.
“Quick, follow me to that car!” Boltia yelled getting the others to follow him. Birdo_Eee stood behind.
“Hey Birdo, aren’t you coming?” asked CharizardMaster.
“No, I’ll buy you some time. Good luck.” Replied B_Eee.
“C’mon, let’s go.” Said Kan. Then the six made a break for it to the car. Deux observed the car.
“This is Rush Limbaugh’s car.” Deux said.
“So what. Were trying to elude someone, not drive him to soccer practice,” Said Kan.
“Quick get it!” exclaimed Boltia opening the driver’s door and jumping into the seat. Everyone get into the car and shut the doors quickly. Boltia was having issues trying to start it.
“Oh just let me do it!” Flannery said climbing into the driver’s seat hijacking the car wires to activate the engine. Miraculously, the car was on and Flannery floored the gas pedal sending the automobile at a great speed. Meanwhile, Rush Limbaugh was walking up to where his car was and saw that it was gone.
“SON OF A B***CH!” yelled the political commentator.
In the stolen car, the people in the back saw that Krokodyle-man was not in sight.
“I think he’s gone,” said Deux. Everyone gave a sigh of relief. Then they heard something land on top of the car, it was the croc.
“I got you now!” said Krokodyle-man. Then the car began to twist and turn out of control because the driver, Flannery, was getting stressed out. This caused the croc to lose his grip on the roof of the car. Then Krokodyle-man finally let go and landed onto the freeway regaining his balance. He knew he had a job to do, so he began to sprint after the fugitives. Pixelwizz looked into a car mirror saying “OBJECTS IN MIRROR ARE CLOSER THAN THEY APPEAR” and eyepoppingly saw Krokodyle-man sprinter to them opening his jaws. The little wizard then put the window down and formed a pixilated boxing glove.
“Ha, don’t make me laugh!” said the croc sprinting after the car. Pixelwizz levitated the glove and punched Krokodyle-man in the eye as a boxer would. The croc then lost balance and was looking much small as the fugitives drove away.
“It looks like we lost him for sure,” said Deux. But he was wrong. The croc was jumping over cars to catch them. Deus looked forward and saw something that can help. And in surprise he saw a road sign above the freeway meters head.
“Flannery, keep driving!” Deux instructed climbing to the roof the car. The croc was getting closer. “Ha ha, you can’t catch us!” said Deux taunting Krokodyle-man.
Krokodyle-Man replied “Oh don’t bet on it you little…” but was cut off when he jumped right into the street sign Deux wanted him to hit.
“U FALED!!!” Flannery yelled with one hand on the wheel and giving Krokodyle-man the middle finger with the other.
. . .
Finally they reached the airport, with the plane that was about to take off. They didn’t have tickets, so they had to sneak into the cargo hold. The group hid behind a pile of boxes waiting for the right moment to sneak. Now was their chance.
“Quick, let’s go,” CharizardMaster said. Then the six went onto the ramp and into the cargo hold.
“Perfect, now it’s just smooth flying to Great Britain,” Boltia said stretching his arms to rest. After a few minutes the plane began to take off. But Krokodyle-man was hanging on to the planes front leg as it was going into the plane and taking off. When the bottom the door closed, the croc took out a communicator to contact Lati.
“Webmaster, I am on hold with the fugitives on a plane going somewhere. But it appears to be going east,” said the croc.
“Good, and once you got them, bring them to me,” replied Lati sitting in her office. Then Shin walked in holding a tray of tea.
“Here’s your tea, your highness,” Goji said sarcastically looking away from her. Lati said nothing and took the cut and sipped the tea.
The pope is the antichrist46 viewsGREATEST BILLBOARD IN THE WORLD!

You want proof: http://www.john1429.org/video/antichrist/Antichrist-128.html
Darkrais Dark Void46 viewsDark Void
"ダークホール" meaning "Dark Hole" or "A Dark Hall"

The foe is dragged into a world of total darkness that puts it to sleep.

I thought the 10th movies method of Dark Void wasn't based on the definition of the games, so I did another method that could've been used in the movie. Pretty BA, huh?

So Darkrais eyes glow, puts his hands up, grasp and pulls its hands down. Then a pair of dark hands rise from a world of total darkness, grabs the foe, drags it in and throws it out asleep.

Note: The size of the palms depend on the size of the foes abdomen.
Dialgas Roar of Time46 viewsRoar of Time
"ときのほうこう" meaning "Time Roar"

The user blasts the foe with power that distorts even time. The user must rest on the next turn.

The games method is self explanatory, but somehow the animes was just weird. It looked like a beam of time and not a roar of time.

So Dialgas diamond on its chest and eyes glow, the mouth gathers energy from all around and itself. Then Dialga gives out a mighty, powerful roar that can damage or send the foe to another time.

The back fins don't expand because it would look like an erection, no hard feelings.

Note: This can be useful when Dialga uses it on the foe to send it back earlier to pwn quicker ^^.
Giratinas Shadow Force46 viewsShadow Force
"シャドーダイブ " meaning "Shadow Dive"

The user disappears, then strikes the foe on the second turn. It hits even if the foe used Protect.

The games version is easy to understand, but the anime just didn't executed it right.

Giratinas red stripes glow and vanishes completely. Then reappears charging at the foe with ghost powers.

GoldenFlame Shipping page 346 viewsLater, it was now Kan, Deux, Boltia, CharizardMaster, and Pixelwizz.
“Gee, it sure is f**king boring around here,” said Kansaibou.
Then Pixelwizz had an idea. “Hey I got it! We can play Pokemon Spaghetti Version!”
Everyone wondered what kind of game that could be.
. . .
Soon the group was in front of a Nintendo Game Cube connected to a television, the Game Cube had a GBA cartridge of Pokemon Spaghetti Version. The game starts up with the traditional Game Boy Advance opening credit.
“This better be good.” Boltia thought to himself. Then the game’s screen displays a silhouette of spaghetti in front of a red and green background. It flashed ‘PRESS START’, Deus pressed the start button. The screen went black and Deus chose a new game. Then it showed a cut scene of what looked like Fire Red and Brendan Birch walking into a town. Behind the town’s sign popped up what looked like Giovanni, and he gave a creepy laugh.
“Nice of Leaf Green to invite us over for a picnic, gay’ Brendan,” said Fire Red.
“I hope she made lots of spaghetti,” Brendan said.
“Brendan, look!” exclaimed Fire Red walking up to a closed Pkmn Center, that said “Club Rocketz!” in graffiti, and took the note from it. “It’s from Giovanni!”
The PPN group couldn’t believe what they were seeing.
“Dear pesky brats, the rockets and I have taken over the Kanto Region! Your friend, Leaf Green, is now a permanent guess at one of my seven Rocket hotels. I dare you to find her if you can!” Fire Red said reading the letter. “We gotta find Leaf Green!” he said to Brendan.
“And you got to help us find spaghetti,” said Brendan pointing to the gamer.
“If you need instructions, on how to get through the hotels, check out the enclosed instruction book.” Concluded Red having his index finger pointing up. The scene ended. The group looked astonished, and then Kan leaned to his left and puked.
Later, somewhere outside of PPN, Lynx was outside feeding his shiny Arcanine.
“Here you go, pal.” Lynx said petting the Pokémon’s head while munching on Pkmn food. Not far away was Shin Goji. Shin was very interested in Lynx, he felt though he needed to know him more. Then the webmaster walked toward them saying nothing. “Hello, sir.” Lynx said to Shin.
“Good day, young Harlen,” Goji said back. “So what do you think of PPN.”
“It looks like a pretty cool place once you know it. What do you think of it?”
“Me?” Shin asked. “No one’s ever asked me that since I became webmaster. So I’m to believe it’s a cool place too.”
Shin was beginning to feel Lynx’s ki, and it did have a striking resemblance. “Lynx, did you by any chance meet some new people?”
“Oh yeah, I’ve seen both small and great. Yet my best long pals have got to be the Bionicle.”
“Long pals, as in you knew them before you came to PPN?” Goji asked.
“Yeah, they were happy to see me again. I also know F29.”
“F29? He used to come here, you know?” Shin said sounding very suspicious. He knew by his ki that he and F29 were close. “Is he your brother?”
“What? No!” Lynx answered sounding embarrassed. “I know him because Flannery told me.”
“Oh, I guess she did,” Shin said getting it all together. “Well sorry about what I said early.”
“Don’t worry about it,”
Shin now was starting to get it. Later he asked “How long did you have your Arcanine?”
“Had him since I was a little kid,”
“What kind of moves can he do?”
Lynx felt though that Shin wanted to see what he and his Arcanine were capable of. The young lad took out a target Frisbee and gave a whistle. The Arcanine came to his fighting senses, waiting for orders.
“Overheated HyperBeam!” Lynx ordered throwing the Frisbee into the air. Arcanine fired a Hyper Beam surrounded by great flames and it obliterated the target. Shin looked amazed.
“I think my friends are calling for me,” said Shin. “And later on I can show what I can do!” he hollered while running back to the castle.
“Alright, see you later!” Lynx concluded.
Pokémon Ranger - Tracks of Light: Oblivia45 viewsHere's artwork of the Oblivia region.
Pokémon Ranger - Tracks of Light Update44 viewsThe official site has just updated with some clearer pictures for the upcoming game; Pokémon Ranger Tracks of Light. These screenshots are mostly clearer versions of the last ones, but there are new ones too. The site also revealed some new details:

* The Deoxys mission, called Deoxys and the Mysterious Temple runs from March 6th 2010 to May 17th 2010 and has multiplayer functionality, allowing you to do the mission with friends.
Deoxys changes forms as you try to capture it and the form you send over to the main games is dependant on the form you capture here. Each form has different attacks and they may know a move not normally known by Deoxys. We'll bring details on the moves Deoxys has as and when it comes
* Professor Hastings and Murph from the original Pokémon Ranger return in this game
* The Ukulele Pichu is not with you from the beginning. You will find it on Drop Island
* The Quests introduced in Ranger: Shadows of Almia return in this game. Their reward is not currently known.
GoldenFlame Shipping page 242 viewsThe next day, PPN was up and progressing above modernly. But this day was different, Flannery wasn’t there as usual. Meeting with Shin-Goji were Deux, Kan, Boltia, and CharizardMaster.
“Gee, it sure is boring around here,” said Kansaibou breaking that groups awkward silence.
“But Kan,” added Shin after taking a drink from his goblet. “This peace is what all good sites stride for.”
Then Deux had an idea. “Hey I got it, we can play Team Fortress.”
Everyone wondered what kind of game that would be.
“So how do you play?” asked Boltia.
“Well one of us, gets to be Heavy Weapons Guy, and the others can be the Scout, the Solider, the Spy, and the Sandvich.”
“Who gets to be the scout?” asked Shin Goji.
“It should be somebody who’s rather little and kinda tough.”
Everyone gave their thoughts about it.
“Yeah, why don’t ‘cha come over here and say that to my face, tough guy!” said Shin playing as the scout.
“You small, it’s funny to me!” said CharizardMaster as Heavy Weapons Guy.
“Ohh yeah, ‘ya real scary.”
“SPY!!! I SEE SPY!!!”
And there was Deus playing as the spy.
“That spy is not one of ours!” proclaimed Boltia as the solider.
“Get behind me, Doctor!” ordered C-Master. And the one playing as the doctor was Kansaibou. Then Deux disappeared.
“This sucks on ice!” said Shin. Deux sneaked behind Boltia and pretended to assassinate him. Then Kan, C-Master, but Shin was the only one standing with his baseball bat.
“You got blood on my suit,” said Deus nowhere in sight.
Shin turned and said “BONK!” while pretending to hit Deus. Deux became visible.
“You got me,” he said.
“I got it, I got it!” Shin proclaimed in victory.
“You did well!” added CharizardMaster.
“Alright, next time I’ll play as solider.” stated Deux.
Then came someone to interrupt the group’s happy moment. It was Flannery.
“Hello, Miss. Blaze. Where have you been this morning?” Shin asked.
“I want all of you meet someone really special, he’s a very good friend of mine,” Flannery said stepping aside to show her friend to the group. He was the young man who appeared at PPN last night with the sheet of paper. Shin felt the young man’s ki, which was strikingly familiar to someone elses.
“Who is this guy?” CharizardMaster asked very suspicious.
“Just you’re average BF,” the boy answered. The charizard was beginning to think of him very suspicious. “Any whom, I’m Lynx.”
“Welcome to PPN, Lynx,” welcomed Shin-Goji.
“Now hold on there!” interrupted Charizard Master. “We don’t know anything about this boy. Who is he? Where did he come from?”
“You can call me somewhat of a loner,” Lynx added.
“Pretty suspicious if you ask me. I say we interrogate him?”
“Are you sure you’re up to it, pal?”
C-Master felt a shiver of fear run down his spine. He did not speak.
Shin got into the middle of the conversation. “Umm, are community is a good one. Perhaps we forgot how to greet unexpected guest. As CharizardMaster said; you’re welcome here.”
“I didn’t say that!” proclaimed CharizardMaster.
“Say what?” Shin asked.
“I didn’t say that Lynx is welcome here!”
Shin brought out a tape recorder and pressed the play button. “Lynx is welcome here!” the tape recorder repeated.
CharizardMaster looked dumbfounded. “Alright, for now I preserve judgment. We’ll see if you are worthy, boy.”
“Great,” Shin said. “Come on, I’ll give you the tour.”
Wrath of the Wolf page 1341 viewsAt dawn’s early light, Shin-Goji and the other escapees, awake from their sleep on the soft, green grass. The Nerd looked at his watch on his wrist to observe the digital numbers as: seven, twenty-two AM.
“C’mon,” Shin said to everyone stretching. “Serebii.net can’t be far from here now,”. The sun was rising to their left sides, which meant that the sun was to be behind them and turn east.
Then after a half hour of walking, they’ve made it to the Serebii castle. This made Shin give a laugh of excitement.
“We made it!” shouted the little kaiju. Then everyone joined the thrill. The group ran for the door of the castle and Shin made a stop, in front of the castle’s draw bridge of a door. Next to the door was voice box with a button. Goji reached to press it and succeeded. Then a voice came out of the box.
“Hello and welcome to Serebii.net, where Legends come to life,” said the box.
“It is I, Shin Goji, dethroned for now, Webmaster of Pokemon Palace Network. Or titled as, Pokemon Palace Network Studio, for some reason. Defender of PPN when it was under attack by AnimeExpansions. And the one who claimed the title of ‘Webmaster’ when PPNSteve resigned! ”.
After a few seconds, the box said “Pull the other one!”
“I’m sorry, but PPNSteve is not here. Any whom, we have ridden the length and breadth of the land in search of Fighter29. We must speak with him,”
“What? Your party,”
“What about it?”
“All I see with you is four pokemon, an angry nerd, a baby, some other dude, a doctor and small others,”
Now Shin was losing his patience, “For the love of whatever, JUST LET US IN!!!”
“Okay then,” said the box frightened. Then the draw bridge lowered to let the escapees enter. The castle hall revealed it’s majesty of green and black decorations, and eight halls containing shelves of knowledge, everyone gave awe to the castle hall.
“Okay, enough awing and more finding F29,” Shin said getting the others straight.
“Say, are you looking for F29?” asked someone else from their left. The group looked and saw a shiny Celebi wearing glasses. It also was carrying a few articles for a hall.
“Yes, do you know where he is?” asked Shin.
“Sure, he’s on the practice field with some friends. Come, I’ll show you,” the pink pokemon said showing them a path.
There was a field on the right side of the main castle. On it was a group of users practicing their techniques. But there was a girl with blonde hair on the side lines watching a young man, with dark hair and dark clothing, practicing with another user named, Raichu2626.
“Your move,” said the young man, and then the raichu then charged at him with a Volt Tackle. The young man held his palms together and said “Contego!” and his hands forged an energy shield. It blocked the Volt Tackle and caused an explosion of black smoke, and when it cleared, the boy was still standing as the raichu was.
“Wow, nice job, son,” said the raichu.
“Thank you,” said the young man. The girl with blonde hair on the sides gave applause. Then the pink Celebi appeared followed by Shin-Goji and the group of escapees.
“Here you are, the practice field,” said the pokemon. The young man in black looked at the group was now filled with happiness.
“Hey kid, do you know F29?” Shin asked the boy.
“Why sure I do,” he replied.
“You do?”
“Yeah, he’s me,” the boy said pointing to himself. Shin gave a look of happiness and hugged the boy.
“I really missed you, friend,” Shin said in his arms, and let go.
“I missed you too,” F29 said back, he looked up and saw the rest of the escapees who were also happy to see him. But looked suspicious at the ring on Goji’s head “How come you have that ring on your head?” he asked.
“Oh yes, this,” Shin answered pointing to the ring. “This thing prevents me from transforming, which really sucks,” .
“Why would you put that on?”
“I didn’t, Amber put it on me,”
“Never mind, can you just get this thing off?”
“Sure I can,” ended F29. He put his hand on the ring and said, “Orbis, eximo!” and the ring loosened and dropped to the ground before Shin’s feet. Goji now felt free, and cheered in glee.
“Thank you so much!” Shin said hugging him again, but harder.
“No problem,” F29 said being constructed in Shin’s arms “Uh, you’re crushing me,”
Ticket and review of The Last Airbender41 viewsThis is ticket I bought to see The Last Airbender. Their 7 dollars where I'm at, so that's 14 bucks into the box office.


I just got back from seeing it today, and I thought it was great! Me and my sister saw it and we enjoyed it. 14 dollars well spent!

The acting was good, Dev was bad ass. Noah was the perfect Aang. Nicola played very well and so did Jackson. Yue/Seychelle was smoken hot! The rest were good. And they DID have emotion.

Plot-wise, I understood and kept up with the pace. M. Night had to cut some things out, but it was still good.

The CG effects were breath taking! And the sets were amazing. The Northern Water Tribe looked really cool, like Minas Tirith.

Overall, it was a hell of alot better than DBE. I give it 4/5 stars
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