Last additions - Jawz's Gallery

Warmth of Love188 views...May 02, 2007

Tear~Drop76 views..Apr 27, 2007

Life Is Bad- FISHING152 viewsI-thought... what if it was bad instead of good. So I edited it.Apr 21, 2007

Doomed124 viewsYeah...I was messin' around. This is what you get. Keep your camera with you....>_<"
...long story anyways.Apr 21, 2007

Kitty138 viewsSomethin' I drew for a good friend of mine...Apr 21, 2007

Duck91 viewsI snapped this critter when it was swimmin' in the river.Jan 29, 2007

Reedy River Falls84 viewsI took this picture at the park in the county above me.Jan 29, 2007

Lookin' Out141 viewsOkay, this is my cat Oliver. I took this picture while he was lying down on my chest. We were being lazy. Umm... this picture is like the most view on my DA account. I dunno why, but I guess people like it? Jan 29, 2007