
Bella I miss you :(112 viewsI need to ask if any one will tell me there E mail Adress mostly bella's...please
09/01/07 at 06:53iris: *sigh* oh really? sorry about that, its j...

Bella I miss you :(112 viewsI need to ask if any one will tell me there E mail Adress mostly bella's...please
08/24/07 at 21:29iris: why that jordan ? ,,,hmmm nevermind-_-
Date added=Jul 10, 2007 lNbKJlrOPv[1].gif](albums/userpics/10791/thumb_lNbKJlrOPv%5B1%5D.gif)
I hate her53 viewsJealousy.... tsk!07/10/07 at 23:11iris: i think its that what its say
Date added=Jul 10, 2007 images[22].jpg](albums/userpics/10791/thumb_images%5B22%5D.jpg)
Bugsy50 viewsBugsy is a DUDE! Not a girl! 07/10/07 at 23:09iris: lol i remember the frist time that i saww bugsy i...
Date added=Jul 04, 2007 th_atfirstudontsuceed[1].gif](albums/userpics/10791/thumb_th_atfirstudontsuceed%5B1%5D.gif)
Naruto cheats35 viewsheh.07/04/07 at 22:02iris: i would agree with that

Mew and Lucario Human122 views^^...Btw!!!..I have a new nickname now and it's mew!! lol...06/30/07 at 00:04iris: aww i like the mew girl^^

Blue May137 views- Flame Faerie06/29/07 at 22:21iris: this as been uploaded like 3 or 4 times-_-

Ash, Brock, Pikachu and Misty23 views06/29/07 at 21:24iris: kinda old i say

Totodile, Pikachu, Pichu, Phanpy, Wynaut, Corsola, Togepi, Wobbuffet, Meowth, Cyndaquil and Psyduck66 views06/29/07 at 21:22iris: pichus^^

Serena29 viewsThis sucks, but i don't have a scanner to show you my (Much, much) better drawing of her so...>.<
She doesn't have any pupils because she is blind. Poor puppy...06/29/07 at 03:27iris: (okay... my com>:<....i goona fix that now )

Serena29 viewsThis sucks, but i don't have a scanner to show you my (Much, much) better drawing of her so...>.<
She doesn't have any pupils because she is blind. Poor puppy...06/29/07 at 02:56iris: sophia::*strugling to get out* maybe with the tim...

Serena29 viewsThis sucks, but i don't have a scanner to show you my (Much, much) better drawing of her so...>.<
She doesn't have any pupils because she is blind. Poor puppy...06/29/07 at 02:40iris: freya:: prepare to see the fire form the hell itse...